love most of these- god i love that Shell/Ferrari ad, but those BMW films have aged poorly, and that Guy Richie one starring madonna is arguably the worst of the lot- she’s grating, the writing is terrible, and its just. not. funny.
love most of these- god i love that Shell/Ferrari ad, but those BMW films have aged poorly, and that Guy Richie one starring madonna is arguably the worst of the lot- she’s grating, the writing is terrible, and its just. not. funny.
Also: sky is blue, water is wet, and white guy walks free.
its definitely one of the least worst rooms in the house. but that’s kinda like saying Goring was the least worst Nazi. You are indeed correct that each other room was progressively more awful; it’s really a sight to behold
For the lulz?
Any Amiga users here will surely think of Lotus Esprit Turbo Championship 1 and 2
Hard agree. One of mine is an 07 Sienna CE. The fanciest thing on it is power windows. But those type of barebones option packages just don't exist anymore.
yeah some of these just seem like the people in the room just forcing themselves to not look up
With a last name like Le, one can guess they’re Vietnamese. Maybe some connections to the company, or just trying to support a Vietnamese business?
I guess I understand... personally, I prefer peace and quiet in the morning. The last thing I want is some schmuck droning on about this-that-and-the-other meaningless news, punctuated by ads for cialis and ulcerative colitis treatments. I feel like our world is already so damn noisy.
As people in general drift towards the myriad streaming services and content- especially the youngs- I just have to ask, who the fuck watches these morning shows anymore? Does anyone other than a few retirees from Florida give two shits about Today or GMA anymore?
Hey, North Carolina’s gonna North Carolina
Yes, but you have Boston drivers. that balances things out
Mazda 323 GTX or Lotus Elan M100. The Lotuses aren’t actually terribly difficult to find, one seems to pop up in my area every 6 months or so. But the 323 GTXs are mostly piles of iron oxide now. They’re all in ROUGH shape, beaten to hell and poorly modified. If/when I get the time and there’s one to buy, it’ll be…
Fuckin’ a. Where’s the video of someone pouring the 5Q jug of SuperTech?
Imma guess this is standard operating procedure for all Popeyes because you described the one nearest to me up here in Indiana perfectly.
Agree with Minivans. I own 2 Siennas, initially out of necessity since I have 5 kids, but GD they’re pretty much the perfect utilitarian car. The 2GRFE is nuke proof- we’re talking a 400,000mi drivetrain as long as you give it synthetic every 5k miles. The amount of shit I have hauled with these things is pretty damn…
Sure, or a 4 year old Civic with 50k miles on it. I mean, which would you choose?
That the Versa is on this list is proof that supply and demand economics no longer apply in our society, because nobody. and i mean NOBODY actually wants a Versa.
Oh hey, thanks for the ill-informed political soapboxing literally nobody asked for. You’d be better off hitting the comments sections at the Fox or OAN websites, bruh
highly, HIGHLY underrated comment