
I did exactly this. Minutes after I heard about them closing their doors.

Spiffy. I'll give it a shot. I currently use ZITE, which basically does the exact same thing and there only a couple small gripes I have with it.

It's a photoshop....but it's still funny

I find myself conflicted, and that annoys the crud out of me. The old school Trekkie in me would absolutely LOVE to see Khan.....but at the same time.....Let's stop asking for the same thing as we've already seen. I'm excited for the new movie and it does look great.....then I'm thrown back into disappointment by

You couldn't be more right. The only thing better than good marketing, is a mistake in marketing. People that find it funny, pass it along to their friends....who pass it along to their friends.....who may blog about it.....eventually hitting a blog or news site with a LARGE viewership. Jack-friggin-POT!

*enhance* .... *enhance* ......hmmm....I STILL Don't see an iPhone.....Could you zoom in on Kate a little more? ;)

Avatar B is the one for me. Nothing lasts forever. Even forever. It's more realistic to see it as an extention of life. If one plays the game well enough, you could live out many lifetimes, but eventually things would have to come to an end.

heh...yeah. I saw. Just not the "chior of angels" that happened in my head when I saw it. *laughing*

I'm surprised no one is really talking about the changes to mail signatures. Since you can finally have a different one for each account...

Yes. I thought the same thing about the driving HUD when I watched the video. Being a motorcycle enthusiast, I could definitely see benefit from GPS navigation, speedometer and other driver aware functionality without having to take my eyes off the road.

Oh Hell yeah. IF and only if it actually worked as smoothly and effortlessly as the video would encourage you to believe.

Leftover Microsoft way of thinking....

All-in-all, it's not too shabby. However, the faster stroke=thicker line seems counter-intuitive to me. Such as, when I sign my name, the faster parts should be the lighter part of my stroke, where as parts I want bolder, require me to slow down.

I'm kinda disappointed....I expected a big button you could click.....that would send Taylor Swift a text to remind her that Beyonce' was the all time best....

@redman042 This. I swear, if I walked in an apple store tomorrow, and told them my (3 days before the end of warranty) iPad2 smelled funny twice a day after I check the weather in Denmark, they'd shrug, take it in the back...probably telling the other blue shirts and laughing at me.....but come out with a fresh from

I had the same exact thought.

aw geez.....ew.

Yeah. I'm a little disappointed in this year's update, but that said, it's still significant. The display and graphics boost is enough for me to upgrade.

True, but an insider at foxconn hinted at a new "iTissue" division....