
Sure. Open a catalog, find something you really like, tap buy.....enter your itunes password, and BAM! It's on its way to you and Apple gets 20%.

Arguably, with a ton of compromises, they could do OK. They'd have to make huge sacrifices in the hardware department though. I have bought my share of apps, sure, but I haven't spent enough on apps to make up for the cost of an iPad2. So they'd have to make it MUCH cheaper to produce to make that business model

What about that tactile display I read about a while back? You know, the one that sends can make it seem like the surface is textured, based on what's displayed.

You know.....I'd buy into that.

Yeah, but @Steelead 's give Handies. Then again, the hockey one likely knows how to handle a stick....

That was less "Fly Through" than "Fly Over" I was expecting a Star Wars Death Star trench run kinda thing.... *disappointed*

Looks pretty badass to me. Glad to see Johansson in this one too. New Banner....hmmm.

What explains Lady Gaga's? Looks painful....

More than one TV. :)

Hmmm....when I clicked the link, it took me to the page listing all of the 2.99 albums. If it doesn't for you, there's a banner ad at the top of the main google music page saying Leap Year Sale.

You can download the MP3 and drag/drop into itunes.

Am I the only one that paused momentarily at reading "Rhianna, Doggystyle?"

Yup. I'll order as soon as they'll let me.....if it works well, I'll buy a few just for the xbmc factor.

Nature..... ah..... Finds a way.....

It'll be cheap....but I'm betting around the $50 ballpark. Maybe a little higher/lower. But right around there.


I'm sorry....I don't understand your question.....

Yeah....looks like it was a fun party. I was trying to play that claw game while you guys were getting in, throwing shit around. Dicks.....

Guys....REALLY? We waited till after your party, and when we finally get to play, you jump in and totally ruin the whole thing giving us no chance of winning? REALLY? Dicks....

WHAT??? Now, I've heard all kinds of crazy things come out of a courtroom....but how on earth can you put a spin on this to where it sounds legal?