
I went a similar route twice now... I bought a ‘97 Jetta in 2000 (Jan 1st no less) and drove it for 16 years and 300k+ miles.  When I passed it down to “kids car” duty in 2014, I purchased a 2012 Passat and it’s been my DD ever since. It now has 278k miles and has been paid off since 2017.

That is my new strategy. I was all set to buy a new car in December and January, I wanted a hybrid Prius, Niro, Civic, or Kona at sticker price with no crap add ons. The dealers told me to go to hell. The plan now is just just keep driving the 99 CrV until it dies, hopefully it will decide to croak in a convenient

Good for you. That’s why I will continue to drive “Van O’White,” our 2005 MPV van until it expires or I do, whichever comes first. It’s not that the automakers are concerned about us poor motorists so much as they’re concerned we’ve gotten fed up with their unnecessarily overpriced “base” offerings and fear the

Best generation. Mostly mechanical with some electronic flourishes. None of that ‘Oh, you got a corolla dent? $10K please!’ shit...

ChrisFix is wrong sometimes? About what? His Blinker Fluid tips and tricks have saved me hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on dealerships repairs and maintenance.

Scotty Kilmer was the go to mechanic for a couple of my friends before he left houston. They took everything he said as the holy word in automobiles. They drive 5 or 6 year old cars with <20k miles and swear by him because they are still running like new...

Now playing

Uncle Tony’s Garage is wrong a lot nowadays. His usually uninformed whining about EVs was annoying enough. Then he spent a whole hour deepthroating Robby Starbuck’s verifiably false claims about “wokeness”:

I am not a big fan of Cleetus. He does have a very punchable face. But he did a lot of help in NC with his helicopter with the hurricane victims. 

Beards. I know they’re trying to reach a demographic but some of these beards are ridiculous. “Heavy D Sparks” looks like he spends an hour applying product to his facial coif. It looks like it would snap if something bumped it.

Every single video Scotty Kilmer makes.

Agreed, but a huge difference in comfort and speed. The RAV is hard to get up to a “good” cruising speed.

Now thats I dont wanna say a deep cut, but daaaaamn. Well played.

Well done!

Indeed. The unfortunate part is this would fly 20,000 ft. over the head of 80% of the American public.

I mean, why not just give the people what they want:

Nineties cars were the best, they had figured out electronic engine management and so under good wasn’t a maze of vacuum hoses and electromechanical valves and such, airbags, ABS, reliable, generally not as bloated as modern cars.

I found that (for the convertible at least), if you sort of held the top part of the windshield frame when the roof is down, with one leg out of the car, and pulled yourself up while pushing up/out, and doing the same in reverse to enter it, you could 9/10 do it gracefully. Also, it is either wider than it seems, or

the engines are prone to going boom and any service is engine out. also the hybrid batteries are on borrowed time. there is a reason they are so cheap. 

Yeah waste money on all those “mods” that kill resale. And run ethanol too? The mileage is going to suck after all that “investment.”

But with an E30 tune and all the bolt times MPG is miserable for a Focus.