
Glad I got to share the nickname of the 4L60E transmission! The worst thing is... I have had all of the parts to upgrade and rebuild it for nearly a year, but keep putting it off because 1st, 3rd, and reverse work just fine and I’m still using the GMC Sonoma it’s in somewhat regularly. I’ve got Alto red clutches and

I've owned two ex rentals. Both were rock solid the whole time I had them. If Hertz was offering as good a deal on something I actually wanted I'd take it.

Finally rebuild my 4LSLIPPY that's needed it for a year.


1st Gear: Welcome to the billionaire oligarchy.

My favorites are the “Mucho Macho” and “Mayrun”.

This is why tires are the one thing I don’t cheap out on. Even when I buy “cheap” tires for a beater, they’re from a name brand like Nexen or Kumho, or the value line from a big brand (like Primewell from Bridgestone/Firestone).

This person took the question seriously.

That or a Ford 8N/9N.

I respect that answer. My Mustang II drag car had a manual rack and a manual valve body C4 with a ratchet shifter, so even just moving it in and out of a parking spot on its rare street excursions meant planning ahead and thinking through it.

First choice?

1st Gear: I’d buy a Nissan with a Honda powertrain, but not the other way around.

The Mustang II was actually a great car, and is still a fantastic platform to build a cruiser, drag car, or autocross car out of. (I’ve done two out of the three, and there’s a guy that did such a good job of building one for autocross that it got featured in Popular Hot Rodding, he and I discussed suspension on

Minivans are superior to crossovers in virtually every way. If I didn’t tow trailers with heavy stuff on them somewhat regularly, I’d have one instead of a pickup or SUV, and I’ve still considered one.

I was in love with it until I found out there was no V8 option. I’m a mechanic for a living, I’ve been working on cars for 22 years. Do you know what keeps me the busiest right now at the all makes/models shop I’m working at? Twin-turbo V6 trucks. Do you know what keeps my friends at Toyota and Ford dealerships busy?

My SL1 was the slowest car I’ve ever owned. It made a 1974 Mustang II with the 2.3L and the 4-speed look like greased lightning.

Literally anything Scotty Kilmer has ever said.

It was for context, not bragging.

Bronco IIs can be aquired for virtually nothing. A clapped out Ranger that runs and drives still commands more than I make in a week (and I make six figures annually).

I’d bet good money that you’re the minority. I mean, how many boomers do you see lusting over Model Ts, sedan deliveries, and other pre-war stuff?