
For me, it depends entirely on the nature of the societal breakdown. If its zombies, I'd do away with myself in such a way that my brain is definitely destroyed. I wouldn't do well, and I take a 'harm reduction' stance on most issues. If it's a governmental collapse, just your run of the mill non-undead plague type

Hot take.

Huge huge mistake!

I liked the improbably multi-ethnic angry mob.

Devastating cookbook slam. Take that, billionaire's wife!

I'll keep watching, but this episode was dreadfully boring. I don't care about any of these people. I'm rooting for the zombies.

I love this show.

Defiance hasn't at all been on my radar for some reason. Based on the endorsements here, I torrented the first episode to see if it's something I'll enjoy. Thanks.

I've passed on Killjoys, the first couple of episodes didn't draw me in, but I concur on Dark Matter. The writing and acting are decent, even if some of the sets are not so great, which is understandable given it's a low budget Canadian production.

I watch this with the appropriate level of expectation for what I'm going to get, and consistently find myself enjoying it. It's not exactly prestige television, but it's genuinely fun to watch imo.

You're projecting your interest in an obscure actor's political beliefs and online behaviour onto the rest of society. 99.99% of people genuinely do not give a shit about GG or MRAs one way or the other.

I'm pretty sure that this theory originated on the AboveTopSecret conspiracy theory forum. I've frequented there for a number of years, and it's a great place to rile up tea bag types. Every now and then you get your true crazies - the guy who shot Gabby Giffords posted there, but to the community's credit people

One man's Jew tracker is another man's Jew.

Daesh is not in any way how they refer to themselves. In fact, because of it's resemblance to the Arabic word for 'underfoot' they've threatened to cut the tongues out of anybody caught saying it. That's why the State Department makes a point of saying it.

I will forever call 8:30PM 'porn time.'

Pretty much. People can't let go of the faded glory of (most) of the first season. In retrospect, even season one wasn't that great. By all means, like what you like, but there's no need to get pissy when people point out that what you like is objectively bad.

Daesh and ISIS mean the same thing.. Daesh is a very rare anagram in the Arabic language, wtf does it matter what the news calls them? Doesn't make them any more or less evil. What a strange gripe.

Huzzah for the jaunty Canadian Tire Money guy.

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some phony God's blessing, but because Joaquin Phoenix was playing a dog in The Master.

I must be too much of a 'dude-bro' to understanding the reviewer's hand wringing, because this shit was hilarious.