
First time I've ever heard Gorden Pinsent referenced in American media.

This show was such a pleasant surprise.

Leave it to an American to assume that Americans are the target audience for a BBC production.

I knew it from an episode of American Dad.

I don't watch this, but I'm wondering why nobody simply reinvents gunpowder/guns? I deem this show retarded on that basis alone. In a preview there was a motorcycle - so these fucking people have internal combustion engines but for whatever reason the much simpler technology of black powder is something they can't

On DVD, as overrated as ever.

That line was so on the nose I cringed.

Those rumours weren't true, but at this point it's in Richard Gere Gerbil territory.

How many shitty soap operas masquerading as quality drama does AVClub review now?

He probably legitimately didn't know the ending. If you read his book on writing, appropriately titled On Writing, he specifically states that he doesn't have a detailed outline when he writes, and doesn't know how a given book is going to end until it ends. I don't see how you can fault a person for not telling

Chris Rock did your act better in the 90s. Shut up, Aziz Ansari.

I was skeptical about a Morgan-centric episode, especially after the cliffhanger last week, but I really enjoyed this one.

In a world in the future but where people dress in 19th century clothes for some reason, guns are banned but technology like motorcycles are still around. Kung-fu masters rule the wasteland.

I'm glad Juliette is gone. Look at the still near the top of the review, Bitsie Tulloch can't even pull off 'corpse' with and level of believably. This show isn't always great, but it's consistently good and fun. Her line readings have always stuck out to be as particularly bad. Her stint as a villain was the most

Unless Glenn is 500lbs, the angle those guts where coming from just doesn't make any anatomical sense. Glenn crawled under the dumpster.

Ugh, I know. Chad's the worst.

Shrooms are cheap and plentiful this time of year.

Yeah. There was definitely nothing creepy going on there.

Thank you for saying it so I didn't have to. Spoons are treacherous because of the splashback potential.

It's cute that you're so worked up.