
'Coon Tie Tycoon' made me laugh so hard. My favorite word play type joke on TV since Teddy's 'we should get take out steak and have a take out steak steakout' on Bob's Burgers a couple seasons ago (I think). Then, of course, there's the ultimate example of the art - 'Bob Loblaw's Law Blog' from Arrested Development,

My last name is Gunn, but I've never had a strong relationship with that side of the family. They are mostly drunken miscreants of the lowest order. For this reason, I absolutely love Tim Gunn because he's a certified fancypants and that makes me feel OK about my 'clan.'

Damn fool!

Of course there is! And phones have maps of Ohio, and I knew both of those things before now.

I haven't been following WWE/NXT programming for a long time.. when did Rhyno start showing up on NXT? I'm a big fan of his from when I was a kid. I will watch for Rhyno!

It's like 90% of the people in this comment section are only just now realizing that regional dialects are a thing.

Beyond the Mat and Wrestling With Shadows. A lot of great stuff covered in those two docs, Jake the Snake at the time that Beyond the Mat was shot was completely off the deep end, crashing in cheap motels and smoking crack and shit. He's got it together since and is actually doing quite well today.

Richard 'T' Splett is my favorite new character on Veep. Everything he says is a delight.

Going to start putting money away today in the hopes of having enough to get a PS4 by.. whenever the Fallout 4 release date is.

Best episode of the season. Glad they ended strong. Frankly I would be shocked if we don't see more Community, whether a 7th season, or the obvious 'and a movie.'

I was expecting him to be in much worse condition. As a fan of his, I'm pleasantly surprised. Given the extent of his injuries and the words 'traumatic brain injury,' I was expecting slurred speech/impaired cognitive function. Tracy plays a dummy but he's sharp as fuck, and I'm happy to see that he's still there.

Do you think canes disappear when the user sits down?

They can't possibly think that that's an acceptable way to speak.

Did I do that?

I saw that too!

Don't get me started on the R Thee M P.

Frackin' toaster.

Shh, it's best not to talk about the cranky lezbos at Jezebel. You'll attract their scorn.

A fedora is basically the MRA uniform.

Anyone else remember Outsourced? I loved it, dead after one season.