
I followed the first season. It was very, very bad. So I didn't watch anymore. I'm glad it was cancelled, and can't for the life of me explain how it lasted as long as it did. It was truly terrible.

I wrote it off based on the punny name, and yeah, now I have to go download a couple of episodes.

I really enjoy The Middle. It's not the smartest or most ambitious show, but it's a solid family sitcom with decent writing and a likable cast, what more could one want.


I watched the premier episode of GOT that leaked online, after that I'm going to watch the next three episodes. I won't be spoiling anything for non-pirates, don't worry! Looking forward to a new Veep tonight.

The site has been around for years. It's not going anywhere.

No idea, but I'm glad they did. On TorrentDay they have been hinting that there are more episodes otw this weekend as well!

Because pumping botox/fillers into the faces of wealthy old ladies is exactly like curing cancer.

'Gay doesn't even begin to cover it.' Oh, Dean Craig Pelton, how I love you. Jolene/Gay Dean killed me every time.

I'm outside the US, this comment is absurd.

Let's pretend that if these tweets were made by somebody on the right, the same people rushing to his defense wouldn't be in line to beat him down. Fun game.

He should have had the good sense to turn it down. Like everybody else who was asked did. When he takes over, I'll give him a shot, but I don't think I'll give him as long as I gave Larry Wilmore. As a fan of his, it makes me sad that his show is unwatchable.

I don't think he's a bigot - I just don't think he's funny, if these tweets or his two (count em, two) stumbling appearances on the Daily Show are to be believed. When people who have been with TDS longer than he has, and who are funnier than he is, turned the job down, what made him think he could fill Jon's shoes?

I adore super blunt, borderline rude foreign doctors. My doctor is an Iraqi Christian who gives me the business about my unhealthy lifestyle. In my experience, doctors over here are too nice.

This show is terrible. Sparklezombies fucking such.

I was going to complain about the lack of Grimm reviews but haven't gotten around to it. I'll count this as a win for procrastination.

Hulkster? It's me, Macho Man Randy Savage.

Crank you for being a crank.

I choose to believe that the 'weird sex stuff' briefly mentioned in the pilot was between Donna Maria/Gretchen and Kimmy/Can Man. If Rev. John Hamm was a rapist on top of being a kidnapper, I feel like it would have come out during the trial, and the whole situation would have been slightly less whacky.

They can stop now, there aren't any left.