
I liked Noah a lot. I was on board with his character from the first scene he was in, but his death was awesome. Maybe I'm a terrible person, but it put a big smile on my face. Too bad that he won't be around, but he signed his death warrant early in the episode by dreaming of a brighter future.

Really enjoying this show. I love how fierce Vickie the prostitute is.

I know of several people at that age or approaching it who are quite the opposite. They lived their lives just like everybody else at the time, drank a lot, didn't care what they ate. It's a crapshoot. Plenty of people who do everything 'right' drop dead around middle age.

I did an honest-to-goodness spit take (with potsmoke, fortunately for my laptop it wasn't a liquid) when Kimmy dropped the line about having her assistant input contact info in her Palm Pilot, because of course that's what somebody who's been in a hole for 15 years would think fancy people do.

They let that poor horse suffer for a long time before putting it down. Personally, a horse getting torn apart and being eaten alive would be the first thing I'd shoot.

I feel like Kimmy could be an older, hotter, more emotionally damaged Sue Heck.

Personally, I love the theme song. They alive, damnit! Them females is strong as hell!

I love that people think Tracy Morgan's character was a racial stereotype when he was basically just playing Tracy Morgan.

This is the stupidest shit I've read all day. And I went to Gawker this morning.

I'm just going to say it: I loved The Village. I also loved the twist at the end.

Ha. Windows, right?

Great show, had me rolling a few times. When he apologized to the entire cast and crew of Cast Away, and when he admonished his ball-friend Bryce for his homophobic remark. And Kristen Schaal is just delightful. Between this and Bob's Burgers, Sunday is now my favorite night of the week.

I'm going to miss Wheels Ontario the most. I'm sure a lot of people think those Canadian accents are wildly exaggerated, but not as much as you think. I grew up in Newfoundland, where we have our own particular accent, and I went to High School in Ontario - a lot of people sound pretty much exactly like Mikey and Co.

How about Teddy belting out that Natalie Merchant song as the credits rolled?

I'm going to vape you like my ecig.

Noooooooooooooo. I'm way more bummed out about this than I probably should be. First Colbert, now this. At least Colbert will for-sure be coming back to late night TV, but what's Jon gonna do?! Direct more movies nobody's ever going to see?

Also, reloading could conceivably still be a thing. Even when all the ammo runs out, there'd still be plenty of brass, caps, powder and lead.

You don't outgrow punk, Sir.

I sure hope somebody was fired for this grievous error. It's almost as if Bob's Burgers is a cartoon.

No mention of the fact that Danny was essentially raped by Mrs. Gurgler.