
I feel good, too. Because you're stupid, Stupid.

I've never been ashamed to admit that I've been a lifelong wrestling fan. Sure, it's somewhat embarrassing to be the only adult in the room who enjoys pro wrestling, but you know what? It's fun. It's sometimes entertaining, although the WWE product more often than not feels like a chore - I hardly ever watch anymore.

A matter of bad taste. TBBT is terrible. It has always been terrible.


As much a beverage as a medicine!

Same in my school. There were the Animorphs kids and the Goosebumps kids. Obviously I was in the Goosebumps camp, as I am awesome.

Loved, loved, loved Goosebumps as a kid. Every trip to the grocery store or the pharmacy with my mom, I'd be begging for a new one. More often than not she'd get it for me, bless her heart.

I look forward to this show every week more than any other.

Teen angst, raawwr.

You probably can't even recognize your own racism.

Have hundreds of thousands of black Americans been displaced within the last couple of weeks, thousands killed by bombs falling from the sky?

Yup. Paula Dean, not that I'm a fan, was tarred and feathered for admitting to maybe at some point having said the n-word.

The media and 90% of the people on the internet can keep fawning over Joan Rivers. Agreed, she was funny. She was also a vile human being. I'll mourn for the 2000+ Palestinian children that this hag supported the murder of.

Thomas Edison is the man to get us into this century. Eventually.

I second this. Maybe, like I, they download the torrents and thus have been unable to review it until the various torrent sites get it up.

Was there no new episode of The Knick last night? I've checked the torrent sites (outside US, I have satellite TV, but I'm unsure which channel this comes on in Canada) from which I typically download episodes of my favorites, but still no new episode.

It's only illegal to poison them if you get caught. I'm not saying definitely poison them, but it's an option at least worth considering. What are they going to charge you with, squirrel murder? It would suck for the squirrels, but if you've got a family/a property to look after, then your obligation isn't to the

When I was 12-13, you could rent 7 tapes for 7 days for 7 dollars at the local video store. Every week I'd take a great deal of glee in strolling the isles, looking for the scariest/sexiest looking horror flicks. They also had a large selection of pro-wrestling tapes from the early-80s which I often enjoyed.

Lady Grantham, ditch the thong.

Just finished the three episodes, thoroughly enjoyed it.