
If my town had one of those opium dens/whore house combo deals I would be there All. The. Time. Naked wakeup calls, talk about service.

This show is great. I like how the electronic scoring clashes with the early 20th century setting, but at the same time works really well.

He does kind of look like Edith Bunker at this point, so it works.

Don't tell seven year old me that jellyfish aren't interesting. The first time I saw one I was blown away.

I like this show more than Penny Dreadful.

The AMC 'rockstar has sports-related venture' reality show I'm looking forward to is the one following Billy Corgan's Revolution Pro Wrestling. I think they may have invented a genre.

Whoop whoop.

Is it a hard and fast rule that every new AVClub review has to include some absurd SJW bullshit?

I know, it's almost like Comedy Central is skewed toward a certain demographic.

Fake and gay. Ron Paul 2012.

I can guarantee that the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Ms. Jones' family has paid for her silly little safari trips has done more to protect the broader wild population of said animals than you have or will ever do.

So Lost was a pretty great show.

I vividly recall my especially problematic Wrestlemania cartridge for the NES sometimes getting blown (heh) into 15-20 times before it would work. I'll admit that it's kind of devastating, knowing that it was all so pointless.

Gene, don't call your mother 'Lin.'

Dear White People. Brought to you by the Jews who run Hollywood.

This is distressing. I've been a fan of Tracy Morgan for years, dating back to 30 Rock and his appearances on the Stern show (Satellite Radio is the future, I tells ya!).

I lol'd.

Excellent episode.

Yeah, because that's my point. Spot on.

He needs to check his privilege.