
The best part is how they made a running gag of this: going forward from this point, Jemaine occasionally mumbles nonsense instead of coming up with a rhyming line. He does it in Leggy Blonde and Business Time off the top of my head.

She was also the singing telegram girl in Clue.

That's an awful lot of tour dates for people who claim that all they've ever wanted is a vacation.

Which half of the wetsuit? Which half?

I went the opposite way. My first thought was "ew", but then it was "oh duh, probably special mushrooms"

I'm not a fan of the hyperrealism, but there are myriad other things I don't care for about it that probably color my views on it — the hypersexualized characters have never sat well with me, the dialogue is painfully cheesy, there are endless cut scenes. I have no complaints about people who like those games, but

Just trying to be realistic without entering uncanny valley isn't a style — it's the distinct lack of one. Generally speaking, I think we're going to look back on this era of game design as incredibly unimaginative and uniform in terms of character and environmental design. It would be if Pixar never made the jump

Has anyone played both orientations of the game? If you're not aware, they had to mirror-flip the whole thing for Wii to coordinate Link's sword hand with the Wiimote.

I know. I find them crazy. There's no accounting for taste.

I recall that I really enjoyed parts of it but found others tedious. It's been too long for me to remember specifics — the only thing that comes to mind is that I found the ancient robots neat and thought that the mechanical desert music was interesting. It's also actually strangely similar to the score used in Heroes.

My main compliant was the styling; I really prefer the cartoony Zelda games. The unique styling of Wind Waker in particular is distinct, very well thought-out, and playful in the same way that Zelda's puzzles are. Playing this game reminded me of Final Fantasy … and I don't mean that as a compliment.

I almost stopped playing it in the beginning, and that says a lot since Zelda games are the only ones I've continued to play.

Need to kill Apocalypse? Why not Beastberg?

I already mix up Thanos and Ronan. This is not going to help.

There was something in the air that night
The stars were bright, Fandango
They were shining there for you and me
For liberty, Fandango

Life Aquatic had just begun,
But now the router needs firmware updates

I …. would watch that.

It's said by a smoldering Latin man who's trying to lure you to the dance floor because nobody puts you in a corner and you're going to step up and take center stage!

Sounds like an invitation to do some Latin dance. Fandango, now!

You see everything from the other side of a wang.