
Did anyone else read Broodhollow before it went on forever hiatus? Seeing that looming creature on the horizon just made me think of when the main character sees a looming creature in the link below.

TVWBFAWLJNITGW, I'm also a cancer survivor in my 30s, and I think it would be valuable for you to try attending a support group for young adult survivors. If there's a Gilda's Club near you, they're a great option, otherwise give your oncology office a call and say you're looking for young adult group support

As an ND alum, I'm super proud of those who walked out, but disappointed that more did not join them. While there are obviously staunchly conservative people on campus, I found a lot of my friends in undergrad to be religiously and fiscally conservative, but socially mostly moderate.

Well, back to my private beach in the Hamptons, I guess. Sigh.

Also see: the word "scene" used when referring to the dating app

Last Labor Day, some drunk neighbor girls kept BLASTING Closer at their barbecue and not singing, but drunk-girl-shrieking along with it. They did this every 15-20 minutes for — I do not exaggerate — 5 hours.

Yep, and that's why I say that's just the feeling I get from it rather than it being my firm theory. Could definitely go either way.

I've always gotten the feeling from adult Zeke's narration that Shao — and not just their relationship — was being mentioned in the past tense.

My stray observation: pretty sure that the club scenes were filmed at The Box in New York, in which case, 90% of that stage platform was built out into the floor where the audience would normally be, so the 2 people deep that you can see around it would have been all there was room for. They did a good job making it

Yes, and the song itself felt like a watered down reminiscence of Moulin Rouge

I took that as a given when he told Lydia that he's slept alone since 1960, which had to have been when Mylene was conceived.

I'm thinking we can just blame it being on a weekend this year. I'm sure these online pranks get better exposure by people sending them around their offices, and these are just marketing stunts after all.

I had to pause and rewind because I spent so long laughing at "dusty bag of elbows"

I think this comes down to what you find distracting. To me, an even background drone cancels out sudden distractions that can take me out of the moment. That's why I sleep with a fan on. That's why I work listening to ambient music on headphones.

Yes :(. I got a job last year where I actually have to toil for my paycheck. I'm only here now because I got the coveted conference room seat where no one can see what you're typing.

Interesting, because I automatically swipe left if guys have no info or barely any about themselves. I assume you're a bro impressed with his own handsomeness or someone so crippled by insecurity that you're terrified of saying the wrong thing/you lack the confidence that your interests will interest anyone else .

I seem to be alone in my disappointment in this book. I felt the same way about The Other Boleyn Girl: interesting setting, historical context, and imagery … but poor plotting and prose.

I started a new job earlier this year that doesn't allow me to waste half of my day. It's nice to be missed. Meow meow meow.

Oh, Baxter, you are my little gentleman. I'll take you to foggy London town 'cause you are my little gentleman.

I'm David S. Mikkelson! Any questions?