
Don't have time to find one now, but she appears to be a very stout mix of pug, beagle, and bulldog. Use your imagination.

My coworker has a dog who looks like a potato.

Would have been cool to show how artist Kevin Francis Gray's sculpture work was adapted into the creepyass mirror in Snow White and the Huntsmen, which is possibly the most beautiful yet worst-as-a-movie movie ever.

I thought that one was actually the best example because it wasn't so literal. There is something very Klimt about that shot, though Water Serpents might have been the better parallel.

I'm so glad that what I can only assume is the house band from Eyes Wide Shut has continued to find work.

Is short-tempered captor Howard (John Goodman) a kook or a genuine doomsday soothsayer? As it turns out, it can be two things.

In an unexpected turn, the next movie will find the heroes battling a giant cat who wants to cover New York in ricotta: Garcloverfield

Donnie, you're out of your fallout shelter!

I would like to add Chris Pratt and Anna Faris to the fictional dinner party we're planning here.

I don't know, but I'm sure he's got attorneys lining up saying "I Wanna Be Your Lawyer"

What year does he think it is? 1999?

But what how much money do you make per hour working out of your home and what kind of incredibly expensive car do you drive? This is just the worst spam I've ever read.

I was wondering when the Uber model would hit the movie industry

That was precisely why I've read he didn't attend Scalia's — the amount of security and other crap needed if Obama attended would have been a burden on the family who's trying to mourn.

Ugh I wish I had more info for you, but I'm a words and pictures person, not a scientician, so my grasp here is tenuous.

Do you have a way to account for barometric pressure? We once did temperature testing of a small appliance here where our results were all over the place until one of our designers found a way to account for pressure fluctuations day to day, and then we had a clear trend line.

If you count back 9 months, is it your parents' anniversary or something?

I made what has become my standard easy soup based on things I always have on hand — root veggie + coconut milk + ginger — and then stupidly left it at home this morning. D'oh!

Depends on where you're coming from. The Lakeview one is a 5-10 minute train ride for me. There's one in River North, too, though I haven't been to that one and the crowds at places over there are so hit or miss.