
I can't decide which thread this goes in. We don't have a bittersweet thread so I guess here'll do.

Just curious why you guys are going for the Loop, which is ranges from touristy to dead on the weekends. You should do like Headquarters or Emporium where there's an activity to break the awkward silences.

Nothing galvanizes idiots like a martyr so I think that would actually be a worst case scenario for the sanity of the country.

Just don't look! Just don't look!

I feel like her route is to usually fall to pieces and bemoan why people are mean to her rather than going on the offensive.

With the way that Wrigleyville is being developed into a Disneylandesque destination, this is on my list of places that I hope don't get shoved out. Sadly, some of my others on that list already have — like Goose Island.

As a thumbnail, I thought it was the bad guy from Last Action Hero.

There are a lot of attractive humans in this movie.

*flips switch, garbage disposal turns on*

The mere idea of Centipenis will haunt my dreams

What kind of work are you specifically looking for? Depending on what it is, don't undervalue being able to show thought processes that are analogous to what you'd have to do in that job. Like at my recent interview, I didn't have a good logo to show them, but I did have nice looking design work in other areas and was

In addition to looking at job sites, also just do research on companies you might be interested in working for. I've found positions that are only listed on corporate websites or obscure hiring sites by using resources like Built In to find lists of well ranked companies in categories I like.

Eat Up O'Reilly Martha 1932-2001 Died Tragically Rescuing His Family From The Wreckage Of A Destroyed Sinking Battleship.

I got my job offer and it's good!

Back to you, Andy!

The Secularist

I'm just going the opposite way and making them religious references, which then seems fittingly sacrilegious.

Butch Cassidy and the Son and the Holy Spirit

The Magnificent Seven Sacraments

3:10 to Yahweh