
I remember seeing the Turkish Star Wars bootleg action figures in a Star Wars collector guide as a kid and wanted the blue Snowtrooper figure just because…it was blue and different than the non bootleg white one. One of my many childhood "Malibu Stacy With New Hat" moments.

I still get teary eyed reading or watching the ComicCon before the final season where the fans all held up white tulip drawings.

Man, I miss Fringe. I enjoyed every season but I agree 3 was the best all around.

I really love this book, I wish I had it when I had braces.

I would pay a lot of money for an RPG where you make your own Hogwarts student and play through a year or whatever.

This makes me think of the time in my fiction class where someone got really mad about all these world building things while we were reading HP and said "I hate all the little story things she puts out since the series ended. They're not books, they mean nothing to me." The anger turned to more desperate hopefulness

Yay! I really liked season 6. I'd be down for the show to get even more detective-y.

"The show’s raison d’être has become one-upping itself, enabling the actors, directors, and writers to do interviews discussing how they’ve once again topped the previous year’s spectacle."

On Cinema and Decker are my favorite things Tim has made, I'm so ready for more.

I generally read/write YA so this discussion was fun and motivational!

Archer (or Archerly I forget) did say the plan was a bit convoluted, I could see there being more Archer-bots at play here.

Some interesting stuff here:

Apparently they cut Archer's episode order to have that show go alongside Season 7, but then it got cancelled and they were stuck with 10 episodes.
Edit: Here's the quote from an animator:
"Sadly, it is 10. The reason is complicated, but basically we thought we were going to be making a second show, Cassius & Clay, that

I do feel like the showrunners of Walking Dead are trying to do something more optimistic while the GOT showrunners definitely see their source material as more cynical (like the beetle scene or most of Season 5).

Apparently next season will be the Woodhouse storyline they've been trying to get to for a while.

Yep, Adam Reed heard his VB stuff and wanted the same to make Archer feel more cinematic.

The last interview I read from Reed said that Woodhouse storyline is now supposed to happen in Season 8.

SERIOUSLY. It's so bad. You can almost see how proud they are of his scenes while they're happening.

Looking back on it, I wonder why 7th grade me basically only watched MTV. I wonder if I'd be nostalgic if I watched some True Life episodes from around that time.

AS put up the first page of S7's premiere script last week too: