
The original order was for two 10 episode seasons and "a long-form (60-90 min.) " But after they made Gargantua-2 they found out it counted against the season 6 episode order and the special ended up not counting production wise for some reason.

From an interview back in fall:

Well this was a weird case where the original order for 5 and 6 included an hour long special. But when they actually made it the hour long special didn't count, and THEN they had a "perfect storm" of things going wrong with staff turnaround and whatnot. I can find the season order announcement somewhere around…

That reminded me of the time I asked Doc Hammer on his Facebook who would win in coaching little league game, Phantom Limb or Billy Quizboy, and here's his response (I'm never deleting it because I'm so happy Doc messaged me AH)

This season is definitely gonna benefit from people being able to binge it. It almost plays better as a binge watch Netflix style deal.

Jackson did mention that they were thinking of whatever their comeback is to be more experimental. They wanted to make the finale (the true finale before they ran out of episodes due to the weird Adult Swim order where the special didn't count) a Thanksgiving special taking place at the Macy's Parade.


Me too, I even went back to look at the press release to make sure. I feel like 21 and celebrity perfumes with the production details on this show sometimes.

From what it sounds like there was a big miscommunication of how many episodes they had. They wrote the Gargantua-2 special assuming it wasn't part of the S6 order (originally they announced the order as two 10 episode seasons with a 90 minute special inbetween) but somehow the special ended up counting as two Season

Definitely! I do get the vibe that they've been renewed for Season 7 even if it isn't officially announced, especially if they're already writing.

Not to deflate too badly because that was really amazing, but tonight's was the episode they wanted to be the finale but couldn't switch with next week due to a continuity thing. Jackson says next weeks is "very disappointing as a finale". Plus side is they are writing the "finale" as the Season 7 premiere. (From this

Doc: "This has to go like clockwork. This family has been shot at, shot down and shot from more times than any other family in history! We are Ventures!"
Billy: "This is like a dream I once had."
Doc (gesturing to Billy and Pete): "Not you guys, obviously."

"You dudes know where to get burgers around here?"

Chewie should narrate the movie, start off with him in a bar telling the story and by the end show the person he's telling the story to. "I'm sorry I actually don't speak Wookiee so…"

I wonder if it's a budgetary thing (I don't know if fight scenes cost more to animate), they've said in interviews Brock is back with the family for fanservice so it'd be strange to just hold back on Brock's most popular actions.

I loved Rusty being uncomfortable with the filming in one scene and then when they cut back to him he's in love with the camera being on him.

In a way the end of season 3 was their first soft reboot. While the shift to New York has been a bigger change, a lot of the show was shaken up story and style wise in late season 3.

Everything with Monarch on the scooters was great. I loved the animation of him wiping out into the canal.

If I remember right he really wants to play Eddie.

Agreed, Dark Tower is the only book series I can think of where when I think of adaptations l think of all the scenes I don't want filmed.