
The ad before the movie I saw last week was so aggressive about the popcorn and drinks, it literally was like "Tonight is not about cell phones. Tonight is about POPCORN and SODA……………………………and a movie."

Oh my god those would be insane.

For some reason the first thing that popped into my head reading the title was George Lucas doing Avatar, and now I'm morbidly curious to see how that'd go.


Really fun episode I thought. I loved Rick not even being able to explain why he did it.

A lot of the appeal of Metal Gear is the story, so it's jarring for a lot of longtime fans to see the shift from heavily story based to letting the player create most of the story (which might be in response to MGS4 having loooong cutscenes, with the popular joke being that it was more movie than game). And while

Phantom Pain was one of the most depressing shifts from the hype cycle to the actual game. 99% of the cutscenes were in the trailers…I just wanted more story. I feel really bad for the r/neverbegameover types, whose disappointment is releasing out slow balloon style.

A few of these came through my office and I skimmed first one there (I work in library), I thought it seemed pretty good, it didn't leave me thinking I needed to rush out and read the whole thing though.

SPOILERS (I guess)

I'm so glad Peanuts is doing well. I was so worried as a lot could have gone wrong with adapting Peanuts in 2015, but it was really faithful and a lot of fun. I really loved the little references, some were actually pretty obscure!

That's incredible. Or, excuse me…

Spectre: Nice entertaining escape from the week I've been having. I had a lot of fun watching.

Yeah, in that same interview he was talking about how he was able to get every idea he wanted to do in a Bond movie in Spectre so it's not like he's not passionate about the series. He also seemed more cheery about doing another one on Colbert.

I was just stunned for the entire tag team conversation. Absolutely incredible.

They also announced that the American version of the Ministry of Magic is the "Magical Congress of the United States of America", and that there is a president of magic.

I so badly want this movie to be good.

It's so weird to see that mindset so widespread. Maybe it's just my Lost bias but it's so weird to see how hated the whole series is due to the final season.

Geepling accurately describes my response to that trailer too. Colbert nails Star Wars segments every time.

We can finally get our zombie centric episode then!