
"it’s a testament to how good he was in The Force Awakens"

The Chinese Boxer is a good movie, but the fighting is all so sloppy-looking… you can tell they are trying to figure out what they're doing. It's all just so floppy. But he gets The Glow, so it all works out.

She was a lying hypocrite that systematically stole from the poor while working to make their lives worse on every level.

It would be fairly easy to make the argument that anyone who supports such a batshit insane, outright evil organization is, by definition, a nutjob.

Considering nothing happened in the book… literally, nothing happens… at least they have a lot of leeway to play with.

Yeah, that seems about right. QT and his whole "hey guys, look at me futz with traditional movie structure! Awesome, right?!"
My question is… why is he lauded for futzing up things for no reason other than futzing them up? I guess it's good to be QT.

No, it's not. "VO is failure" is the default, and anything that uses it successfully is the very, very, very rare exception.

In Hateful, it's just pure lazy, bad writing… unless it was a comment on lazy, bad writing. There are infinite ways to play that scene and give that information… and he picks the most amateur, hack way possible.

I just don't get it. Anyone else does that VO nonsense, and it's clearly amateur hour. It's hacky, badly written, poorly made nonsense.

Come on now… be fair. No one who hated Avatar loved Furious 7. Those are equally hated by the same hipsters.

He was working with 3 screenwriters, each with a different movie. Did the other 2 go away?

Luckily, as a shitty movie, it works pretty well on a shitty laptop. 70mm of hack voiceovers and awkward title cards is not something I need.

"Hey, I'm getting kind of winded. What say we take a break and focus on me for a little while."

So… how many lies and hypocrisies is the right amount? At what number would you start thinking that lies and hypocrisy are bad?

You are 100% right… except for the 'well produced and researched' part of it.

Nonsense. Witch Mountain is good. Tooth Fairy is acceptable for what it is. Those are all fine kid's movies.

Every male actor that has to get big uses steroids. Why wouldn't they? They undergo a tightly regulated regime and get huge, then stop and shrink down. Steroids aren't illegal. They work. They aren't dangerous. Of course they use steroids.

The Rock was fantastic in Southland. It's the movie that showed everyone that he could actually act.

James Franco is easily the best part of that movie.

Holy crap the Immortals is a steaming pile of garbage. What a piece of shit movie.