
Because Georgia will straight-up give you 30% of everything you spend there on production back as tax credits.

oooh, let me in on the Paul Dano punching. I've been wanting to punch that guy for years!

No, the story is now that he never had autism.

I have to disagree, since there has never been, nor shall there ever be, an "awesome solo."

Frank just burns through ideas so quickly, he can't be bothered to develop them all out. He has huge, complex ideas… and then tosses them out and has another.

"she brings a lean, muscular grace to her sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat scenes"

I mean, sure… it's truly outrageous. But if we can't hit truly, truly, TRULY outrageous, we might as well call the whole thing off.

Well, time to go watch Re-Animator again.

Between "It’s not like a “You Really Got Me” with Van Halen, where they made a better version." and "Play “Achy Breaky Heart” and I’m there, man." Jericho completely, utterly destroys any standing he hopes to have. If these are his opinions, I cannot respect this man's opinion on anything.

They only didn't like it because it was garbage. Otherwise, it would have been popular.

Thanks for checking in, Kiah Roache-Turner.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus. WTF was she doing that was so important she couldn't show up? Jerry and Larry made it, and she's a lot more relevant to SNL than either of them.

I, too, have caught some of that marathon… and came away with the impression that SNL has always pretty much sucked. Heavy-handed moralizing combined with sub-par comedy flailings. Urgh.

"but it’s highly unlikely they’re all sleeping together or caught up in the petty sex dramas of each other’s lives"

For some reason, I thought he would have been far less of a jackass than this. I don't know why I thought that, but I did.

The one guy I know who had a vasectomy fucked his way through town over 10 years without a problem, then got a girl pregnant. 10 years after he got the thing.

Well that's iffy, considering. I watched the finale and thought the guy had clearly won.