Blue Star Cadet

Predatory Wasp is my favorite, with Casimir Pulaski close behind. The orchestration is so brilliant and evocative, I love how he actually makes the string section sound like swirling wasps. And the final coda ("I can't explain the state that I'm in, the state of my heart, he was my best friend…") gives me goosebumps

I wound up liking MGMT too but I thought they were terrible when they opened for of Montreal, and the crowd was not into them. I think Grand Buffet opened that same tour and they were great/hilarious with the exact opposite crowd response. I still break out "Oh My God You're Weird" occasionally.

You touched on a brilliant and underrated part of Colbert's satire, since Catholicism is shared by he and his character it allows him to mock the worst parts of religion while still being able to deliver piercing lines like this with authority:

I agree and I like that this article shows that some people of faith are evolving on this issue, which is something I've experienced personally.

He also wrote "Road Trip", the episode where Ron Swanson teaches a 9-year old girl about government by eating 40% of her lunch ("Uh-oh… capital gains tax"). Such an incredible talent.

The year that The Help, War Horse, Hugo and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close got nominated and The Artist won is way way worse than this year.

True, and I'm sure there's lots of films that pass the test that aren't positive examples of women in film. This example just struck me for how poorly it did on the test vs. how female-centric I thought it was.

Good point, I was going to say Bridesmaids also, and maybe Frozen?

Interesting that Gravity fails every single Bechdel Test criteria, yet has arguably one of the best female lead characters in the last 5 years (whose on screen 90% of the film or more).…

I think there's a double standard to his perceived rudeness here, when Jarvis Cocker did something like this in the 90's everyone thought it was badass, but when Kanye does it, white people can't stop talking about how horrible he is.

I just watched this film on Netflix recently and was wondering if a U.S. version was on its way, pretty entertaining action movie.

I think Cannavale is still on his way to becoming huge, he's the lead in the new Terrence Winter / Martin Scorsese series on HBO.

It's a compilation of singles and EPs from 1996-2001

off the top of my head: zooey deschanel, jared leto, arguably jason schwartzman

I think "The Wrong Girl" is actually my favorite Stevie song (and also the best on the album, for sure). They play it live regularly and it kills.

Our taste in Belle & Sebastian albums sounds remarkably similar, here's my rankings:

Exactly, the mechanics of time-travel in 12 Monkeys were so that there was no possibility of Cole ceasing to exist, to him the plague already happened and there was no way to prevent it. If you miss that, you miss the basic premise of the movie.

No problem, the film has some problems, I'm just not sure that downplaying his sexuality was one of them.

I'm not sure how people are getting that impression, the film takes place over three timelines and in 2 out of 3 the central focus is on his sexuality.