Blue Star Cadet

It's crazy that I'm seeing so many complaints like this in a year when the most nominated films were by Wes Anderson and Alejandro González Iñárritu and the frontrunner is a truly exceptional Richard Linklater film. People are acting like Transformers just won Best Picture.

I love when he had a segment that lead into ridiculous/hilarious theatrics like when he acted out Sarah Palin's version of Paul Revere's midnight ride or performed The Ballad of Cliven Bundy.

I actually think the third one was the best, mostly for the Raveonettes "Christmas Song" which is my favorite song from the series and for introducing me to "Fairytale of New York", which is now my favorite Xmas song (the original, not the cover).

The best was when he very nonchalantly called Colbert "Bill" when he used Bill O'Reilly's same line of questioning about the Keystone Pipeline.

I request a supercut of every time Colbert eats something. The "thought for food" segments are some of his funniest ever.

It was streaming on Netflix all last year also, that's how I saw it. Great movie.

It definitely reminded me of the Reaganing episode, when Jack is solving Liz Lemon's Tom Jones-related sex problems in the back of a cab.

It's actually from 2009 and you can tell since there's no artists that became popular in the last 5 years on there.

I've never heard that but I'm pretty sure Eko was supposed to have the future flashes "you're gonna die Charlie" storyline instead of Desmond. I think this was even hinted at in the beginning of Season 3.

The cinematography and direction were stunning, the characters are memorable and complex with top-notch acting performances (especially from Elisabeth Moss), the story / writing was brutally honest and compelling. What's not to love?

She took that statement back though and the early reviews say the ending is basically the same, for better or worse.

He was also great in Wake in Fright (1971)

I don't know if it's most indicative of his style, but "The Heartbreak Rides" is my personal favorite.

Agree that it could go a bit longer, it really hits a sweet spot with those vocal harmonies at the end. It does have the effect of making we want to listen to it again as soon as it's over.

Speaking of, was disappointed the review didn't mention Neko's showcase track "Champions of Red Wine". Definitely my favorite track on the album.

She's the lead female voice on "Dancehall Domine" and "Another Drug Deal of the Heart".

Yeah, seriously, I think this album is incredibly strong right out of the gate. "Inside Out" is actually my favorite track on the album and "Rainy Taxi" and "Rent I Pay" are both fantastic rockers.

I loved Carrie Coon in this episode as well. She actually has a big role in David Fincher's new movie Gone Girl (as Ben Affleck's character's twin sister) and I'm really excited to see what she does there.