Not to mention, this is something that is rarely donated. Woman's shelter are in serious need of panties. And don't get me started on bra...
Not to mention, this is something that is rarely donated. Woman's shelter are in serious need of panties. And don't get me started on bra...
We met on a zombie preparedness website.
Hey, when you get a chance to share David in drag, you don't ask questions, you just do it.
*slowly raises hand*........ Me. I have no idea what's going on.
I just spent a few minutes searching & clicking it to push it up in the Google search results. I consider it my civic duty much as I considered it my duty to periodically search Rick Santorum and select the Spreading Santorum website.
He really should be sued for that mustache. It alone is a crime for our eyes to see.
Too bad they don't give a fuck what you think of their bodies.
Soooo nineties!
I was a high school theater geek. According to the upperclassmen the year before I arrived they did Last of the Mohicans.... In redface.
I feel like "Attending Other People's Weddings" needs two spots, one with open bar and one without.
I'm definitely not the only perspective on asexuality. Things about my perception are just my perception and I did make some comments as to that in my original piece, but they were edited out so I hope it can just be implied that, of course, I am not the be all end all of the voice of the asexual community. :) The…
"It's the body saying, "Yep, I can do this" while the mind is saying, "No, I'm not into it.""
Is Poop still something you might put out?
It sounds like, either way, you run a legitimate risk of ending up exhausted and cleaning up poop. Damned if you do, dammed if you don't.
Me too! I'd vote JUST to see them piss themselves. The best would be a gay Muslim.That christian persecution complex would ratchet up & be a million times worse (somehow). Still it'd be pretty funny. They'd probably secede.
Her little pause before saying the word "ugly" killed me. I know she had this awesome retort, but you could tell she thought it was a bad word, and it hurt her a little bit. I'm glad she has an awesome momma who encourages this good self esteem.