
“You can keep looking, Kotaku, and please let me know if you find anything,” he said in the video, setting off a chain of subsequent discoveries and accusations of dozens more instances of apparent plagiarism. Miucin has since removed the video from his YouTube channel.

Voting needs to be compulsory, plain and simple

Tim Pawlenty was so damn close to being John McCain’s running mate and ten years later he can’t even buy his old job back.

The republican party is deep shit.

Man, WYTS turned into Penthouse Forum so slowly I didn’t even notice.

My little sister moved up from Chicago to Milwaukee and actually just got engaged to a Packers fan. He is just about the nicest guy in the world and is more than an overprotective brother could hope for in a brother in-law. He bought her a Rodgers jersey for Christmas last year and I now plan on making a scene at

He is by far the stupidest man to ever be President.

I bartended for a while in a rural area and this was very common. 

Old school.  That’s how a lot of guys did it when I would go to the bar with my dad when I was a kid.  I used to like it because the grains of salt would fizz in the beer on their way to the bottom of the glass.  My dad used to get pissed at me for putting salt in his beer when he wasn’t looking, though.

I already trust Jim Tomsula more than any guidance counselor I had in middle/high school.

“And where did they hide the Spice Channel anyway?!”

I am more inviting.

Hah. Do these Nazi fuckwits actually expect some kind of welcome summer-y afternoon party in Blue POC filled DC?

Hatred has no welcome solace here.

Has anyone checked into how much of his apology was plagiarized from other sources?

The one time it’s actually about ethics in games journalism, and he goes with the KotakuInAction defense. Almost too perfect.

Woof. I mean the dude’s career already was buried, but this response — never apologizing to the guy he stole from, Streisanding his FIFA review while attacking an actual journalist for “needing clicks” even though he works for a site whose traffic runs laps around his — is like pouring concrete on top. Filip, I know

I don’t know if NPR “enabled” him. If anything, they showed just how ignorant, intolerant and idiotic his opinions are.

Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their “outrage” at something that most of them are unable to define.