Davis looks like a Ghoul shop keeper from the Fallout universe.
Is it wrong that I find myself wishing her cancer had won?
America, the Freeist Land of the Free ever, holds elections where votes have to be found. In 2018. You’d think we would have mastered this process by now!
“This district is so Republican, there should never even have been an election here.”
And of course, he’s a #TRE45ON supporter who shot up an entire school because a girl he wanted wouldn’t look at him
Wow, that’s chilling as hell.
People really need to archive important data because it will, indeed, be impossible in the future to get this type of stuff. Which hurts us more than helps companies that barely even try to profit off legacy hardware/software through legacy offerings. Republicans have already started the assault and not even on gray…
If you’ve ever read up on the record industry then you know just how much they fuck their artists over.
Seriously. This “party” keeps nominating idiots and being outraged when people tell them they’re hurting the causes they claim to believe in.
Al Gore lost Florida for Al Gore. That is true. But Ralph Nader also lost Florida for Al Gore. More than one thing can be a “but for” cause of something. Which is probably why many of Nader’s friends were begging him to get himself off the ballot in Florida before the election.
Very hot take: We’re all actually going to die because Democrats spend all their time complaining about progressive boogeymen instead of examining why after controlling Congress for 40 years party leadership has been on a 20+ year losing streak that was only briefly interrupted when running a black candidate who…
Agreed, the US Green Party is a sham populated mostly by weirdos and assholes and it makes a mockery of the otherwise good name that party has been able to build in some other countries. There’s no reason to pay them any mind whatsoever.
You’re right, the Greens should just shut up, disband and go away. They accomplish nothing of value except to sow dissent among the various Democrat factions and field a series of useless candidates for president. Frankly you could say the same for the Libertarian party.
Funny how kneeling during the anthem disrespects the vets, but denying them health benefits is A-OK.
I’d rather have Nester from Nintendo Power instead. They can even give him a red jacket with an “N” on the chest.
This maybe setting up a new Luigi’s Mansion game on Switch. Where this twist this time around is you play as Luigi’s ghost and you can inhabit different characters and objects.
Not for sharing with Luigi, apparently.
But kneeling football players are disrespecting our veterans!