
you’re 58 years old and you’re crying that Video Game Writer Man suggested that physical game copies are becoming a bit outmoded?

Nintendo: “Emulators are bad! If you’re using emulators, you’re basically stealing!”

Women exist.

Jason does it again. His highest profile target yet

What a bizarre fucking take. “You don’t like that it’ll take a while for the whole game to be released? You’ll probably be dead so it doesn’t matter”

I’ll always be fond of Bioshock Infinite’s MechaGeorges. Founding Father’s going to read you the Bill of Getting Your Ass Kicked with a Mini-Gun.

“Women exists and can be heroes too" is not an agenda, you nincompoop. It's basic common sense. 

I love when people say they’re making CoD more “casual friendly”

Also, shouldn’t Republic blasters shoot blue bolts?

Quite a few funny moments from star warns fans in this episode.

It’s always the quiet ones.

The sad thing is, I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not.

People. What if it’s Walter Peck’s family and he just impounded all of their stuff lol!

It was actually just Randy. He had a bit too much to drink and before you know it, “my cock is hard”.

I never said anything cause i don't wanna be that guy who whines about hitboxes but I KNEW IT, I F*ING KNEW IT, FIX YOUR F*ING HITBOXES YOU F*ING F*S 

The hitbox thing is especially noticeable if you like to flank. It’s usually not egregious, but there was a particular game on Euphrates Bridge yesterday that had me clawing my eyes out. 6 shots of .357, 6 hit markers but no kill, dude turned around and casually popped me while I was reloading. 

credit to JB Casacop

What is extra weird is that when they get captured in Cloud City, Han starts firing the moment he sees Vader. He’s clearly got great reflexes and a “shoot first” attitude, so changing this scene makes even less sense if you look in a larger scope than just this scene. 

it’s rodese for “ok boomer”

It’s never been “Han shot first,” goddammit.