At some point, the GOP needs to move beyond “LETS PISS OFF THE LIBERALS” as a policy statement.
Traitor Trump Cucked By Putin
In terms Trump supporters might understand: Your boy is a weak little pussy, and while you were busy owning the libs, your idiot leader just got owned by Russia.
The fucking tie. It gets me every time. It’s like who told this fat asshole that the tie goes past your belt. What person looks in the mirror with a wrinkled suit, a tie that goes past his belt and thinks “Yeah I’m styling.” To all of you that voted for this pig I guess he is a perfect metaphor for your sorry ass…
It all makes sense now
it’s indicative of a whole stupid culture built around him and people like him, a culture that elevates smart rich guys like Elon to such an unrealistic level of ardor that they become insufferable dipshits
I just would have hoped that after such a clear example it would have sunk in a bit. But I guess if Nader didn’t do it nothing will.
The fact that you cannot differentiate Russia interference in our election from Trump colluding with Russia makes you as dimwitted as your dear leader, comrade Yevgeniy.
It is perfectly possible to accept that our intelligence apparatus has been responsible for (and continues to be responsible for) some pretty awful shit, while at the same time focusing on the much larger problem of a President who just openly, publicly, and wantonly threw the entire nation (along with the…
Putin didn’t single handedly get Trump elected. In a national election here is no single thing that soley influences the outcome.
I’d prefer for Mike to be able to tell his own story and have refrained from sharing more than I thought would be appropriate. But because I know today’s update came as a surprise to many readers, I’ll clarify that Mike cannot walk. His upper body movement is fine.
reporters under attack in dc isn't exactly news, patrick.
“Malicious item”.
“a leader known for severely limiting freedom of the press.”
When they forcibly removed that reporter, who had the bigger hard-on; Trump or Putin.
Maybe have a little self-awareness you fucking crybaby.
That was what stood out to me about this entire thing. All the pathetic politicians whining about being “tricked” into saying stupid shit are just showing how dumb and morally bankrupt they are. Cohen deals in deception, sure. But he doesn’t deceive you into saying shit you don’t believe. He disarms you enough to say…
Thoughts and prayers to those humiliated.