Good luck Tim as the White House’s new communication director. The President’s twitter feed will be so much better with your gifs.
Good luck Tim as the White House’s new communication director. The President’s twitter feed will be so much better with your gifs.
“Why didn’t Barack Obama keep track of these children?”
The Trump administration obviously doesn’t care about there people. But if we are being honest, they’d screw this up even if they did care.
Should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that they used to
Everyone but the small in number Far Right over here hate him.
I have this fantasy where, upon meeting Trump, Queen Elizabeth thinks to herself:
We can’t stop here, this is Pats country.
Well, now we know why Irsay's car had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint…
“When they go low, we go high,” adding, “I went as high as I could.”
You missed out the best line, where he says this is a sign of “growing extremism”.
I regret to inform you that Tucker Carlson, a thumb with a face and Fox News’ resident white supremacist,
You’re going to spend your last day here explaining things that are way too nuanced for a Trump supporter to accept?
Why do you hate the troops?
You know, not that Stalin doesn’t have his faults or bad takes, but he’s never been nearly as bad as either Hitler or Mussolini. Or Mugabe. He’s not a dog whistle racist like Hitler, he’s not whatever invectives you’d like to throw at Mugabe (all deserved). And he’s not a pointless contrarian like Mussolini.
Mitch just doesn’t understand that not all of us can just retreat into our protective shell at the first sign of danger.
Some emergency exit needs to hold the bar for several seconds before it unlock. Though I wouldn't expect them to realize that.
Saban is trash. His rabid bigotry against Arabs and Palestinians is well documented. He, like his fellow traveler in filth Dershowitz, is not a liberal in any meaningful sense of the term because he rejects the fundamental premises of liberal democratic political theory. The reality is he holds a number of moderate or…
Easy there edgelord...
Easy there edgelord...