If you could only play commercial jingles while getting it on, what would be your go-to to create the sexiest vibes?
If you could only play commercial jingles while getting it on, what would be your go-to to create the sexiest vibes?
“Drew Has Got a Boner” syncs better to Dude Looks Like a Lady than it does to Janie’s Got a Gun.
“Wait wait wait, we’re educating black kids now? How long has this been going on and why didn’t anyone tell me” —Betsy DeVos
God, please make this televised...
Today is the 15th anniversary of the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I once had a student who genuinely believed the weather was controlled by satellites, and that those satellites were also part of a “Zionist conspiracy” to maintain control over the world.
...this person also believed that the squiggly red lines that would appear under misspelled words in Microsoft Word documents were…
“the Jews do not, in fact, control the weather.”
This. As a black man it didn’t take more than 3 second to know that “Make America Great Again” is ALL about looking backward at this (mythical) time when everything was fucking great, at least for a percentage of the population. So, fuck the people who heard that and tried to pretend it was something noble and not…
I live in the backwards wasteland. A good number of people came out and voted for Obama due to a myriad of factors that didn’t exist for Clinton.
I’m lefty as hell and I’ll say it. HRC is not wrong and shouldn’t apologize for a bunch of backwards ass frightened white people who think they can put the global economy horse back in the barn. Just like no one should give a pass to idealists who think it’s okay to cling to their ‘better-than-you” ideals when the…
I am not a Clinton fan in the slightest, but how in this instance is she wrong?
Y’know, you’ve been piled on here (deservedly so, because holy bad take, Batman), but I just thought I’d add that your “logic” includes false equivalencies (a human being, specifically presented as a potential criminal because of their race, rather than any compelling evidence =! a picture of a PS4 controller in terms…
It totally should be a Jaguar controller.
Our problem is that we have snow. Your problem is that you have a school shooting every 2 weeks and still do nothing about it. Last week a puppy died in a plane because he was put in a overhead compartment. Politicians are now passing laws forbidding airline companies from doing that. Meanwhile you have no problems…
back in dreamcast days, there were many, many times i wanted to beat the fish crap out of him...
Ohhh the comments on this one. Who gives a shit what controller was shown? It just highlights that we here in the states have massive gun access problem.
Pity she wasn’t a dog and the gun wasn’t an overhead compartment. Congress moved like gangbusters to fix THAT one.
Why the fuck are there so many comments pissed that a PS4 controller is the image? How is this the thing to get angry about? Put the fanboy-dom to rest. Jesus.