
Jolie, you left and then I spilled habanero salsa on my rug and I didn’t know how to clean it because you weren’t here so I didn’t and then I got ants and the ants ate the salsa and they died. How do I cleanse their spirits from my home because they won’t leave and is my rug still good?

only consider asking a girl of her political leanings if you are unsure of your pull out game.

Now playing

Who’s a good boy? Boomer is a good boy. The rest of the game looks cool too, I guess. Boomer better not die though

And the fans are caught in the middle of it, like watching two parents go through an ugly divorce and one of the parents has taken up a gambling addiction.

I just want Liesel the game.

Most 90s move they could have made. Overpriced, confusing messaging, huge emphasis on “power”; only people this thing makes sense for are late adopters to this current generation, or those absolutely refusing to get a gaming pc and have the disposable income to get “the new one.”

Man, I know its cool that E3 is open to the public once again but save your money for the gamesdonequick charity shirt sale.

For fuck’s sake, check your entitlement. Do you have any clue how many resources it takes to generate content for modern console games? We’re talking teams of hundreds, vs the 50 or so who were on BF2.

Sounds like dude was trying out some Fallout cosplay and didn’t have the Party Boy perk yet.

Great, now the Gamestop employees will be aggressively trying to sell me used credit cards.

Overwatch is “Everyone is Gay” that’s why Zenyatta’s ult says “Gays! Into the Iris!”

I just noticed today that Comey has very large hands—-I feel like that’s probably the root of what this is all about.

But being unaware of the law doesn’t free you of the consequences of breaking it. I didn’t realize you had to drive for 100 yards in a lane before changing to another lane, but the ticket I paid and the point on my car insurance are the consequences for breaking that law.

Goddamnit if your baby comes out at 4 pounds or under you need to take that baby to the hospital you dumb shits

You’re being annoyingly pedantic.

I, too, thought at first that we might just be looking at a Carter/Reagan Iran Hostage transition, except now it was the Obama/Russians Crimean sanctions. Repubs used back channels to get hostages out and solidifying Reagan, and Trump campaign is using back channels to get us in good graces with Russia by lifting

I hadn’t seen it, and I busted out laughing. Boss wasn’t happy, but I showed it to him and now he is yuckin it up too. Thanks!

The feeling’s mutual Nosferatu!

It shouldn’t be too difficult, there aren’t any letters to learn with unwritten rules.