We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.
We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.
Daffy Don’s anus-shaped pie-hole, always fluttering and flapping from the force of his flatulence. The babbling freak belongs in a cage, with especially cruel children taunting him and poking his fat belly with sticks.
Once they figured out the charity wasn’t giving kids cancer, they decided to redistribute the funds.
In 2000, the average age of a pro wrestling viewer was 28. Now it’s 54
Too fucking right on the plumbing. We had to replace our terra cotta sewer pipe (root grew right through) and had to get a tree cut down to get to it. And to get to the tree properly, part of our fence had to come down.
I’m just here for the Eddie Lacy at Golden Corral jokes.
In surprising reversal, Chad Johnson is taking the House to it.
It’s like I’m watching a videogame die from cancer.
I want to know more about the ‘80s spring break movie that appears to be taking place with the other two dudes in the back.
“Oh, you guys were coaches? That’s cool, I love football! What team did you coach for?”
“You know what I like.”
It must be awful to be so scared of the great big world out there you can’t go anywhere without your security blanket in the highly unlikely chance you get RADICAL ISLAM TERRORISMized.
There’s never been a supermodel lingerie party at my house. I own a PT Cruiser. Draw your own conclusions.
@miltonpoint, an account with two followers and the default “egg” avatar
He made a new one today, and it felt like half a recruitment video and half a pep talk to Americans. I cried.
Just for funsies: Here is Macron using the fact that Trump is a giant, festering Climate Change denying anal fissure to recruit US Scientists:
Hear ye, hear ye. Let it be known henceforth in all the cursed land that on this, the First day of June in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen, President Dornald Drumpf The Orange, in contradiction of all that has gone before in both his life and the entirety of the human experience, was right, and Hillary…