
Nah. Just “fake news” because apparently all the journalists in the country have nothing better to do than make up a bunch of shit. Trump is going down and so is most of his administration. Trumpgate is gonna make Watergate look like child’s play.

I mean, Linda McMahon was, so...

A Belmont, a woman caster, a guy who fights with daggers...

UK Update:

Single Prayer Healthcare.

I live in Montana, love it here and excited to see how a video game portrays the geography. As for blowing away backwoods religious zealots? Its not a good or healthy way to work through some feelings but its definitely the one I want. 

“Hey, I’m a deeply polarizing candidate who is in the middle of the most important stretch run of my career. Some damaging information has been leaked so of course the sensible thing to do is MURDER THE SOURCE despite the fact that the information is already out there and this could only cause unspeakable damage to my

The only legitimate question in this situation came from Andy Reid, who asked if he could eat the Rich.

Is it still possible to have legitimate questions asked and answered without venomous attacks based on political preferences?

Unusual. When it comes to NFL coaches perpetuating right-wing political conspiracy theories, by name alone, my money would have been on John Fox.

hopefully not all of us.

Man, it fucking sucks to realize that your best hope is somebody who elicits little more than a ‘Who? Oh? Okay, well that doesn’t sound so bad’ sort of response.

Trump’s gift: Spotlight and The Young Pope DVDs...Region 1, of course...

I think it trump goes down, there are going to be quite a few others going down with him. Pence had to have known about what was going on, and I think he’d get taken out too. Ryan and McConnell both knew last summer that there was an investigation going; I can’t help but wonder if they could get implicated of knowing

Its Trump...given this fiasco of a trip, everything is going pear-shaped, and he’s also plum-tuckered out from all the traveling.

As someone who is disabled the White House can kiss my ass. That would be about as helpful as their “compassion” when the prices of my meds is out of reach, and the cost of insurance that will cover me becomes unattainable if my wife should ever lose her current job.

UK Update:

If you want one, have one. Just know it’s permanent, and if you want to do shit before you have one, be sure to do that thing.

I got a Nintendo Switch for my kid.