

The FBI is executing a raid right now at a Manafort PAC building in Annapolis!

Dude shut up...

I grew up at the tail end of the Cold War, the Reagan years when he was pounding the drums of Soviet aggression to finance his cronies cashing in on the military buildup. Even then, the Russian people were always thought of as being oppressed by the government—we never thought of them as responsible for the problems

god damn it! Does this mean I have to get rid of this?

Well, the triple baconator has the double cheeseburger topped, but it’s really just more of the same.

When I see a master chef, all I see is a man or woman who will continually try and fail to come up with something better than the double cheeseburger.

I have said this before and I will say it, again: Lindsey Graham being a voice of reason in the Senate is either the third or the fourth horse of the Apocalypse.

And I agree that these things take time. It’s easy to forget (I had to look it up) that it took a month between the Saturday Night Massacre and the judge finally declaring that Nixon had to barf up the tapes. That’s like six months in Trump Time.

Fuck it who needs the environment amirite?

No. If Nintendo released an official purple and grey SNES Switch, it would be the one you want to buy, but can’t because all retailers within 100 miles got a sum total of 7 in stock, and 5 of them went to the same guy, who is now selling them on eBay for about $1200.

I don’t think it’s the best idea for 45 to remind the world of his five draft deferments and the mythical “bone spurs” that somehow also kept him from having to do any Stateside service.

Reporters being arrested for asking questions: just a reminder that this is not normal and this is not right.

Enough. If we want to move forward in repairing out democracy, we need to stop with out fascination with celebrity and star power. Articles like this are part of the problem. I hope our next president is charisma-free. I hope he’s is boring and uninspiring. That’s why I support Roman Reigns in 2024.

This is one hundred percent genuine: I think we could do a whole hell of a lot worse than The Rock.

Even though 2024 is still seven years away, Cena fans would still only be about 15 years-old. Rock would win in a landslide.

We are now at the point where I look at both of those guys and seriously think, “You know what? That doesn’t sound so bad!”

At this point I will take an actual rock as president.
