It is also worth noting that Lavrov is named in the Russian dossier the FBI is (was?) investigating, as someone who was actively involved :) Page 28.
It is also worth noting that Lavrov is named in the Russian dossier the FBI is (was?) investigating, as someone who was actively involved :) Page 28.
He isn’t wrong, though. It is possible that there are two fairly stark roads ahead of us. Impeachment (resignation in the best-case scenario) or declaration of martial law.
Also really worth following is John Schindler (@20committee), a former intelligence-community pro with lots of contacts still there. He’s been saying some shit for months that’s finally being vindicated.
If it was something minor he would not make the desperate move of firing the FBI director the same day it’s revealed a grand jury is handing out indictments.
I don’t know, but I’m looking forward to see what they do with that Staten Island Hooters basement. It’s going to be great walking through there with a plate of wings.
Wonder how the Trump Presidential Library will cover this affair.
I for one applaud people who can obviously not read a single word of the article and still comment with absolute certainty.
I would just like to point out some things:
Counterpoint: Yes it fucking is.
You two should take this offline.
As the aunt of a baby who was born 7 weeks early and spent a month in the NICU...let it go, landscaping friend. It’s great that you did a nice thing for your friends, but frankly, if they even fucking noticed the landscaping at this point, it’s the last thing on their mind. They have to leave their teeny tiny,…
I only wish that someone in the crowd had hit Rod Blum with a butter sculpture of Rod Blum being hit with a butter sculpture.
“Bring me all the black children in Iowa!”
Let me explain: You have a brutal own squared (the self own of pre-screening the crowd that then owns you) divided by a monstrous population own (Blum fucking his whole constituency in the face with the AHCA), which is then multiplied by the self own of the residents voting for Blum.
Or (as it’s legally known) A…
Not the worst campaign slogan I’ve heard.
We need to stop electing dicks.
Let’s congratulate Serchin for becoming the oldest man to die climbing Everest. You did it!
“You never know how much of it is theatre, but it didn’t feel that way,” said one senior Canadian diplomatic source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter. “Maybe they’re just learning how to be a government. At least they were open to the conversation,…