I quite like her as well. This site is always taking a dump on her and I am just used to it at this point.
I quite like her as well. This site is always taking a dump on her and I am just used to it at this point.
Me too! Lovely and fluffy and fancy.
No kidding. What a completely shitty thing to do. She needs to be canceled.
I couldn’t agree more. That is a Frankenstein nightmare breed if there ever was one.
It is offensive. It doesn’t even look like they fit? The big is hanging off the edge. What is this trash?
Definitely not OK. NOPE.
I completely agree. People shouldn’t be expected to take out second and third mortgages on their house to get their children through college. The whole system is a mess.
It’s true. I am Canadian and our universities are significantly cheaper; however, like the US you can’t qualify for many loans, grants, and bursaries if your parents make over a certain income, which really isn’t that much, plus if you start counting in numerous kids they may be expected to pay for.
My Mom expected me…
It was. It was a freaking joke and it was funny and sweet. Sheesh this article is petty.
That is beautiful! You are among the best. :)
And then when they are there picking up their surprise baby, the meet the other people who also got the call. So your kids are womb twins, but unrelated. Haha what?
I am pretty sure I would want a DNA swab to make sure everyone had it right, because I wouldn’t want to bond with the child only for them to be like HAHAH…
I know, OMG, so the babies went to two separate families on top of it.
So what is in this guy’s head that he is pleading not guilty to 17 counts of sexual misconduct and hundreds of women have spoken out? I feel like these people (e.g. Bill Crosby) clearly feel they are innocent. What is happening in their brain that leads them there.
Like there are two guilty people:
People who know…
Has anyone encountered the cultist group called Life? Maybe there is more to their name. I don’t know. But I had an employee who had BPD apparently get swept away with this shit. Like she was spending all her free time working hotels to sell their CD’s, but she wouldn’t tell me about it, because she knew I would say…
We are all left shark.
Right? I am sure I have seen segments like this on Oprah back in the day too. Missed opportunity on their part. Get over it. The one lady should have copyrighted her folding technique if she truly believed it to be so unique.
I never thought she was doing anything new or particularly different. It is just organizing stuff.
She is so mediocre. Unlike other big stars who usually have a few songs most everyone can recognize, her’s just blend in with every other mediocre pop star.
She works very hard and has excellent business acumen, but given she hires 50 people to create her “art”, one would think at least a song or two would be actual…
Same! I don't get it.