
I don’t know and I would like to know too.

What is a Dad shoe? I don’t know if this question makes me too old or too young for the reference.

Given all the shit that has been flying about, sadly in this case it is not.

I am with you. The ceremony maybe, but they hate that anyway as it is so boring. The reception? Absolutely not. People are trying to cut loose and have a good time. Kids ruin that, as they automatically suck up all the energy in a room regardless.

The family sabotage this poor women has had to endure is astounding.

It was everywhere! How can he do this write up without addressing that?

I don’t know!!! What a mess! Who am I supposed to believe??

This is amazing.

I read yesterday that they did! I am so confused.


Yesterday it was all over the place that he was kicked out of the wedding for selling pictures of himself to the paparazzi and now the story is this? What a difference a day makes.

It really is. I was over the fat man/pig/hot wife/doormat match up decades ago.

You are right and I hate everything about this shit premise.

A friend and I have been floating the theory that she is purposely attempting to be “normal “to switch things up in her life for a bit? See what it is like on the other side?

So when is his karmic comeuppance happening? I don’t understand any of this. Why is he even tweeting about this? How old is this guy? WTH

I had a hair stylist who went to school with her and he had nothing but dripping disdain for her and this was years ago.

I busted my forehead open by tripping on a lamp cord with a glass of water in my hand. I had to get 15 - 20 stitches and I had a very nasty concussion. Unlike Carrie, I did not have access to the best plastic surgeons and the scar remains visible to this day (it happened about 6 years ago).

Right? It astounds me that anyone would find this a convincing narrative, but we all know many trip over themselves to excuse men, so...

The tiny percent that do get found guilty get probation or a handful of months and the victim gets their private life splashed everywhere while being humiliated in court. Fun!