
Her attention-whore brother.

I bet it’s Frankie.

Right? These quotes remind me of the shit that Mitch Winehouse used to say.

Yeah, at the hands of other men. So if it’s a scary time for men, it’s because of your own brethren.

Can you point out in my comment where I say that I hate all men please? Thanks kiddo.

Op literally just said that it happens to women worldwide. That’s all they said. And it does. Nowhere did they imply that women face unique levels of violence, just that this shit happens. It’s okay to not bring men into every damn conversation when women are mentioned, just as the vice versa is also okay.

The cruelty is the point. When her mom confronted him, he started wringing his hands about how “he didn’t know it was for a miscarriage” when he straight up told her that he didn’t believe her when she explained, and that’s why he wouldn’t transfer the prescription. He got off on the cruelty, and is probably just

It matters to you, since you felt compelled to remind someone pointing out that this kind of shit happens to women all over the world that “but men die toooooo!” even though nobody said that they don’t, or that they deserve it more than women. Unless you just feel insecure when you’re not centered in everything and

So you agree that we all suffer at the hands of male violence, men and women alike.

And who is killing those men?

I am so, so sorry for your loss, and for your husband’s selfishness during your grief. I hope he has found his way to a more supportive role in your marriage, and that you are able to heal <3

Aren’t they like 25 or 26? They’re adults, not teenagers.

Yo, where did I say that I hated ALL men? If you wanna be that fragile and put words in my mouth, I can’t dissuade you, but all I was saying is that a woman that unstable probably wouldn’t have even made it into the position in the first place, or would have been ousted after the first instagram rant. Or do you

“I am constantly amazed at how people men so unstable...”

I’m kind of surprised that this hasn’t happened to Ari already. She’s said before that she wears her hair like this to hide the damage from her days with the dyed-red Cat hair, but it just seems like she’s inviting a different type of damage.

What if a 6'5 man punches you out, rips your pants off, and shoves his dick up your ass? Does that make you a moist hole that regrets your decisions?

men should be much, much more afraid of sexual assault. 1 in 6 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

That only works for men. Calling men out on their shit enrages them further. Want to hear screams about what a psycho bitch you are and get denied a promotion? Say something bluntly. Don’t say “could you please do this?” just say “I need you to do this” and watch the meltdowns and namecalling begin. Ya’ll are

The ghost of Phyllis Schlafly got boofed into Susan Collins.

I never, ever want to hear “men aren’t allowed to express their emotions!!1!”or “men are taught to keep their emotions bottled in!!1!” ever again. White men are the -only- people allowed to freely express whatever emotion they’re feeling. That was all some projecting nonsense.