
You know what all the fun/pointless stuff people do have in common? - it creates workplaces - there was several test jumps, preparations took years, someone had to design and manufacture all this pointless gear, several tv stations covered it - this means few hundreds people had a job for at last few years - for me it

You know what all fun and wasteful things are giving us??? work places, ban all the fun stuff and suddenly half of the population not only can't afford mri, they can't afford food :P

"If gravity pulls us at a set rate" - and there is very little air to stop you at this altitude :)

I'm only wondering who had the bright idea to release it in the same day as Xcom, I bought both but all my friends from office were leaving home chanting "Xcom time".

They probably didn't think at all, they just made simple assumption: PEGI18 = EsrbAO = Pornography =NoNoNoNO!! :D

good, another game I will buy in the next year as GOTY edition with all dlc included :)

ughhh...I did not think about that....but is a classic movie, it is like saying that Vader is Luke's father :), besides surprising large number of people got entire movie wrong and believe that it is stupid because of this ufo aliens things that invade earth at the end :)

First - all big guys are already ditching steam (origin, uplay market, etc) - because Steam is cutting 30% of their profit , if windows market will follow apple market they will be cheaper and built into the system alternative. Excluding existing community, who will install steam while he can simply buy a game

but that's why Steam and others are criticizing w8 - what's the point of having Steam installed if you can get all the games directly from the windows market? - people are lazy, having one, built-in shop with apps will discourage majority of people from looking for other sources.

I would call myself cyborg :)

because evolution? ;) actually, for me scenario from the ending of Spielberg's AI movie is most probable - 2K years from now civilization of intelligent machines will be digging out skeletons of their creators - us. :D

because ESRB Mature is 17+. Problem is that US 18+ "Adult Only" is connected to porn so getting it basically means death sentence to the game so the game companies avoid it. In EU everything is simpler Teen16+, Adult18+, sadly this time it is biting us in the ass :)

It may be actually a good thing, lack of major games on the market may keep Steam and other digital d channels alive.

In Europe every game with violence is 18+

I'd really wanted to love GR 3ds, but bland "rouge russian general/terrorists" theme forced me tu put game down after several missions :/ Hopefully they will release more interesting games based on this engine.

please return to this question when you will see Game Over screen after putting 50 hours into the game, you do play highest difficulty? right? :D

tactical strategy rpg :)

It is a Vita seller so PS3 port is unlikely, at least not now...besides, jrpg's are perfect games for handhelds, they are perfect "pickup-putdown" games.

I'll add that interfaces in the older games may be bit clunky - different times, different standards - so I'll suggest you to start from the latest games, if you like them you can always play the older ones later, stories are independent.

and you are saying this in a day when xcom and dishonored - two of the most unique games of the year are coming :D