mushrm in your laptop is not set to work all the time and look for keyworlds.

heh, good example, I know what you mean, but correct me if I'm wrong but entire "card collecting" thing was completely optional?

They begin making W3 after finishing W2, Cyberpunk is still in design phase since CDP is still looking for peoples to work on it.

Yenn is brunett... silver hairs, silver sword... it may be their "adopted" daughter princess Cirilla... which is even better :D

Witcher books are not fantasy, they are more "middleages-with-magic"- realistic, grim and violent and that approach makes Witcher games different from majority of other fantasy games where player in his shining armour ride into pink sunset on unicorn shitting rainbows :D

The games take place after the books, first one begins five years after last book and entire saga tells different story than books.

Game is based on books and books are brimming with sexuality like... well all the books in recent years, Geralt in books is every woman favourite blow doll and major source of income for sorceress are breast enlarging potions, nothing to see here. :D

I live in a country with full gun control and here people are killing people less :D many random shootings was in Japan? country where everyone is playing games and no one have guns?


two years of russian dashcam videos and someone still ask this question?

nope, I used to work in marketing I know how they think :D

nope, simply because Xbox 2 would compete with Playstation 3 and from marketing point of view it is suicide - for casuals it suggest that xbox is worse, for the same reason we have playstation Vita (technically V = 5 :) - because PSP 2 would compete with Nintendo 3-ds.

Vicepresident talks with videogame industry about violence in games...two days later game is promoted with mutilated woman torso...this is not about statue, it is all about timing, month from now no one would care, in the middle of "violence vs videogames" discussion it was just stupid.

Enslaved looked gorgeous on video... demo played like a shit , "must have" game went to "trash" in five minutes saving me 50 bucks...and sadly this is exactly reason we are getting less demos :/

Japan is surprisingly normal, all things you mention are not meant for mass market, they are meant for otakus and otaku basically translate as "creep". This western "zombie" statue for other hand is meant for mass market, even with limited run it would be displayed in major electronic shops/bookstores that carry

It is not about offence, it is about timing... promoting a game using mutilated woman torso in the middle of VideoGames vs Violence discussion is not wise idea, it is dancing on a f minefield.

People generally aren't offended by this, most simply critic the timing of this thing - the entire game industry is getting heavy shit storm for promoting violence, there is lots of talking about imposing censorship on violence in games "german" way and in the middle of this someone find it wise to promote the game

EU doesn't have M and AO, we have only PEGI 18+, you are either adult or you are not, there is no "Mature17+". Whatever it is violence or sex it is always labelled P18+ (even basic edition of Dead Island is P18+) and since in most EU selling P18 goods to minors is punishable by law all discussion about violence and

you can buy some of his prints on his deviant art site - look for user tiger1313 " "- if the one you want is missing you can simply ask him to add it to shop, keep in mind that this are digital works so only