There should be also "use the wand to split rock" :)
There should be also "use the wand to split rock" :)
...Game Design (Document) know, the thing you make before you start actual development? the thing that states how the game will look like and work like? ;D
from what they said in vario interviews it looks like game design is mostly done, they simply need more hands on deck to make all the models, levels and codelines :) also I think the game is targeted for next gen consoles hence 2015 release date.
text from the TEASER :
text from the TEASER :
it is based on table top Game called "Cyberpunk" that's had begun pop culture movement called "Cyberpunk" :D
"open-world project with an intense story" that will be revealed on February 5th - is apparently the Witcher 3
- stabbing loots of people to death with pointy things - Good
isn't it other way around? with Gits and Blade Runner inspired by original Cyberpunk? :D
because vita never cost 250$? sony simply forgot to mention about proprietary memory cards almost up until launch -> 250$ + 100$ for 32gb card + 50$ for mobile game = 400$ that's two 3dses...or nice smartphone
tell it to his accountant :)
seriously...since when being rich become a crime in US? :)
Nope, industry is simply changing, making games becomes more like making movies - you gather a team for one project only, fire peoples afterwards... it is still little uncivilized but it will smooth over eventually with external companies providing artists and programers "for rent".
Read the article please: "Bizarrely, one of the A-Wing pilots, pictured up top, had her lines dubbed over by a male voice actor in post-production"
I just learned a new word: "non-troversy" :) I have a feeling I will use it a lot here.
- software is selling hardware - I bought PS3 to play Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted, I bought N3ds to check on Zelda and Mario, I never bought Xbox...because it doesn't have any exclusives I'm interested in so why bother?
for me the game is becoming simple to easy in violent walkthrough - weapers and rats are here to fix this problem, to bring balance back. tablet is more powerful than your 2005/6 console :)
blame it on stealth, it forces the same shapes everywhere ;)
and that's the point, making the game takes only third to half of the overall budget - rest goes to testing on all platforms and MARKETING. Game was scrapped to avoid any further spending before it reached marketing team and testers. It is not that unusual in this industry.