Depends, keep in mind it is not an action game, it is slow, turn-based tactical strategy, if you ever enjoyed turn based jrpg or any strategy game Xcom is an instant buy, otherwise try the demo first or check the friends copy.
Depends, keep in mind it is not an action game, it is slow, turn-based tactical strategy, if you ever enjoyed turn based jrpg or any strategy game Xcom is an instant buy, otherwise try the demo first or check the friends copy.
You know guys, there are people in this word that do not preorder games at all because even most anticipated games from the best developers may turn out be really crappy?:P
hell yess! :D
so...what they were using to wipe themselves? :D
Yes, but scientist usually do not publish failed experiments and call it success, right?
sooo...600 K military death during civil war - we call it good battle in Europe, you had two big wars? great, here in Poland we had 152, we lost 80% of entire population during polish-swedish war, entire cities was burnt to the ground, sorry but you americans have no idea what the real war is.
He is half English half native so he have two names Connor RAtenhnhnnsjgjnrton :)
For the people who wonder why Ubisoft is censoring AC3 - there is an other game published by Ubisoft - Call of Juarez 2 - for like first 10 minutes of this game you are playing as Confederacy soldier killing Unionists during american civil war. Some of you my remember how much fanboy shitstorm this short sequence…
"they often revisit and retest old myths that they may have tested incorrectly the first time" - and that is exactly one of the reasons - "testing incorrectly first time" should not happen at all, at least not now with them being promoted as knowledge and science prodigies and with decent budgets they now have. :) …
wrong, there are artificial diamonds used for aesthetic and they cost only about 10% less than natural diamonds :)
Mythbusters are like Wikipedia, good place to start looking but never really reliable quotation material :)
adding to the other posts - main protagonist of the game is alter ego and inner voice of Desmond Miles(you know - male), having a woman playing the role might be confusing not mentioning imminent flood of trans-gender trolling :D
umm..what? Adobe is "on it" from some time already, right now you just pay for a key and download shiny new photoshop directly from the Adobe's webpage.
So you believe that erasing women from public life and turning them into home-slaves is a right path? I'm sorry but as a "westerner" I can't tolerate that, it is against a core values of my upbringing, we got rid of slavery long time ago and we are winning a war with gender discrimination.
iSorry :D
well, my phone already have more memory than my PS3, it should run skyrim better ;D
I don't thing it is marketed to core players, it is more like cheap family console for people who don't know what online multiplayer means :) just finish a game and uninstall it? I'm I the only one who actually do it?
Japan responds by launching Godzilla :)
they eg. failed to pay an external artist/firm who made it? it is happening more often than you think :/