
...and thats actually a beauty of the thing, [at least in my version of the ME universe :D] since husk are still machines they can alter own bodies as they see fit and e.g. became Edi styled humans, or little pony's, or whatever they want - is it a loss or gain?.

Well..alternatives are galaxy wide police state or delayed yet impending cyber doom, I'll call synthesis lesser of all evils? ;)

Wrong. Reapers are forcing everyone in the same form to annihilate diversity and conflict, Synthesis simply adds additional layer of affinity between all beings - humans are still humans and geth are still geth in almost every aspect, just now they are simply different races of one single specie.

to make post ME story Bioware has to choose one of the endings as canon and that will create another fanboy clusterfck :D, improbable

1) is a gardner viciously trampling ants evil? or maybe he is simply annoyed by them:) - but real answer is that we as players have to loathe reapers and that why they are given evil face, otherwise every fanboy on the net would be complaining that we are destroying faceless boring flying ships

synthesis dumb? First you are tempted by the devil, you are picking an apple from the tree of knowledge and... Adam and Eve are crashlanding in paradise - it is best ending evar :D

Stargazer scene is voiced by Buzz fcking Aldrin who tell us that our future lies between the stars, it is a message from the guy who walked on th moon, to the nerds in front of tv's, it has very little with the game itself.

With the nickname like that you should pick synthesis ending - you know, the one where you are being tempted by a snake to pick an apple from the tree of knowledge and then Adam and Eve are crashlanding in paradise :)

yeah, with the Vorcha as leading race :D

do the weeds need to know purpose of the gardener? he's job is to keep damn garden healthy :D

also...synthesis = Tali without the mask = instant win :D

old man from stargazer ending is actually voice of Buzz Aldrin - you know, a REAL space man telling you that stars are our future - there is a message in here and it has little to do with the game itself.

in the synthesis endings - scene with edi and jocker leaving normandy is a homage to the Adam and Eve in paradise - literally, You just created new world where everyone will live happily ever after. They have all knowledge and technology of all times, they are connected to the reapers 'telepathic" network, they are

first - artist by definition aren't given any time to do stuff unnecessary for a project (and majority of the assets is simply not t-shirt ready), obviously artist could do it in his free time but that possibility depends from his contract. I did tried once to do more for my company in my free time only to hear that

Chinese tried to rebel once and in response hundreds were killed by the government - wiki: Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 (you know - the famous picture with the tanks riding over the guy) - thats why now they are treating to kill themselves so the government cant threat them with death - yeah...thats weird but

yes, except everywhere I bothered to check state health and social security insurance is mandatory while not necessary affordable so with taxes it adds up to 60-70% in the end.

nothing is free, here in europe education and healthcare is generally free but you have to pay about 60-70% tax from your income(depends from country).

funnily enough your child will refer to dubstep as Classical music ;P

article clearly states that Canadians are not Americans :) apparently there is a continent called Canadia somewhere

You know guys, there is a limited number of ways that thing can be done, especially while you are restricted by law of physics - aerodynamics and radar waves