last time I checked this tiny asians living in cramped cities were overshadowing USmans in every education/inteligence tests :) If you check evolution - every spice evolve in two sizes - big and small and small always wins in the end :)
last time I checked this tiny asians living in cramped cities were overshadowing USmans in every education/inteligence tests :) If you check evolution - every spice evolve in two sizes - big and small and small always wins in the end :)
or....maybe this lady decided to be nice and DO NOT DISTURB OTHERS with, bright flashing screen so she deliberately choose vertical position to make screen smaller??? being considerate to other people is a good thing, you should try it sometimes.
probably because helicopter loaded with missiles have different flying capacities due to different weight and aerodynamics? besides, the guys who put this missiles on the helis need they training to :D
You mean Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan, Irak? - I think it doesn't work that well :P
Last time I checked having less people on the planet will be good for it in the long run.
many special lego sets (eg. StarWars) have curved/unusual blocks, lots of them can be bought directly from lego in any color - lego learned long time ago that supporting lego sculptors community is a brilliant PR thing.
The thing is that while game is made in canada, Ubisoft is mainly French company so many peoples (me included) was expecting that last part of the game will take place during French revolution in Paris - You know, the times when rich people owned everything and closed in their gold palaces became completely detached…
ACIII - last part of the series that suppose to avert end of the world - yes, yes, we all know that only americans are capable to save the world in the end ;P
There is quite a lot of the complaint threads about americans being slaughtered :)
Yes, because we all need more turbulences disrupting airflow in the cities - less airflow over city > more smog > your child gets cancer :)
it's not only blades but also turbulences behind the turbine - birds are literally smashed into the ground - so this empty space is also deadly.
Yes, but I don't remember anyone saying that that building millions of skyscrapers will save the world :/
So, when will "ignore COD" black PR action begins?
(Jeremy Clarkson voice) - makes everything better :D
Shepard never really dies, he becomes part of the reaper network either as a control soul or as the organic blueprint. For me the fusion is a true ending, old world is dead, the new is born with organics and mechanics becoming one through reapers network with shepard lurking somewhere in back processes :) that's only…
did you noticed that in later Jurassic Parks sequels Velociraptors have sprouted feathers? :D
no cell processor - that means no backward compatibility with PS3 for sure
- Monster Shooter :D
Initially the Witcher stories were printed in monthly magazine and entire idea behind each of them was to place a classic fairy tale in dark, brutal, realistic "middleages with magic" world spiced with some humour. Once it gained popularity it turned into full fledged saga based around political intrigues. The…