
"Why? What do you think it was? The explosions still happened."

heh, you got me there - I treated protean ghost more like a database+memories of one guy rather than true AI - which probably it is - in that case, yes, we are all screwed :)

You are taking things to literally, galaxy map scene is again a symbolic one - just to show us players that "fix-it" radiation is spreading through entire galaxy thanks to relay network.

"You can still very clearly see exploding relays .... I don't pretend it didn't happen" and yet you clearly missed them shooting big fat beam of blue energy away before explosion? ;)

seriously - explosion in the Arrival was random, asteroid generated, explosion in the ME3 was triggered by catalyst/god and I'm pretty sure he was able to set the power for every relay right - existence of bad ending that destroys the earth kind of prove my point :)

well - laws of physics :) - because in ME3 relay shoot out most of it's energy to trigger next relay in line and there is not enough power to destroy system? - unless you have bad ending when relay explosion actually destroys the earth

"Although it has recently been demonstrated that mass relays can be destroyed, a ruptured relay liberates enough energy to ruin any terrestrial world in the relay's solar system."

worst? impractical?? well, I'm sorry but as a person who want to buy a motorized paraglider just to fly over the town in the weekends I'm really interested in this thing, If the price will be reasonable I will consider buying it.

sooo..we should stop painting arachnoid flying forteresses because people are doing it for years? Following this logic we should also stop painting naked womans, and landscapes ;P

except making videogames is more like making a movies - you don't hire people for the company, you hire people for a project - one game my require 100devs and 100 qa, next game may require 20 dews and 50 qa... shuffling people is expected.

emmmm....Viral Marketing?

I was afraid of banal happy ending like that, instead I get ending that's actually surprised me, and I like to be surprised.

Let's face it, airplanes and carriers made battleships obsolete, unmanned drones and missiles are slowly making all big, expensive ships obsolete - drone frigates FTW

Peace Walker it is a psp title so I assume it is possible to play it on Vita

There is second short stories collection titled Sword of Destiny, unfortunately publisher decided to skip it and it wasn't released in english so far, which is stupid since some of the stories from the second book are directly connected to the later saga.

you do know that you can connect any xbox/ps3/pc pad to the tablets?

ughh...Mafia 2 is NOT open world game, it is great, story driven action adventure, open world in both Mafias was present for one single reason - so you could drive a fking car in it - it is apparently called immersion.

because every AC is mainly single player, story based, action game that takes 25+ hours to complete while COD, Madden are basically reskins of previous games with few new perks and 4 hour campaign)

probably because as many before stated this is apparently called Ground Resonance and only way to fix it is to take off again :)

F.. yeah, best part of the Witcher (both games and books) is that they are more "middle-ages with magic" than typical and overdone Tolkienish high fantasy :)