
witcher2 is more like Mass Effect than Skyrim - it is story driven action adventure game with rpg elements. It is not fully open world but few story chapters with smaller exploration areas - like planets in mass effect. There is more rpg in the witcher than in mass effect thou and fight is quite demanding, button

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it's for the new russian blockbuster movie titled apparently "White Tiger"

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There are dozens of controllers for the PC and almost zero problems mainly to the fact that they are all following one standard of connections/buttons, no fragmentation at all (well, with the exception of few advanced flightsticks that use much more buttons than standard). We just need one big company (apple,

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yes, but you can already use pc game pads with android tablets and there are first (still crappy) iphone cases with physical buttons - how much time before someone do it properly and will make PS Vita like case with iphone slot instead of ... Vita?

Except during this eight years at least 6 new iterations of iphone/ipad and god know how many generations of android devices will be released. I start thinking that we really are looking at the end of dedicated gaming portables :/


Ever heard about Gameloft? You know a game company that owns huge-but-cheap development studios in India and specializes in making fast low budget blatant ripoffs of major titles? I guess existence of businesses like that is one of the reasons.

It is a freakin' ART STYLE that is evolving constantly, it has nothing to do with race :/

it's ME3-Kinect demo and there is no kinect for PS3 or PC :)

As far as I understand lag problem lies in the dungeons - while all world reset itself once every month all you did/touch in dungeons is put in the save file and remains saved through entire game, so in the end lag depends from number of dungeons player have looted.

"Dothraki is a "Fantasy SciFi" Language "

from the other hand lego has launched a program where you can create your own model and submit it to them for review, the best ones will be produced, so it is still a chance we will see this model in stores, since Lego do have starwars license.

in Skyrim there is a book that work that way:

except some bigger dungeons take about 3-4 hours to finish

buy a house - there is nice, working bookshelf in the living room - sold separately ofc :)

Translation: "Don't buy our game at premiere, wait for GOTY edition with all DLC later on" didn't read previous giz articles about "biker lungs" disease :)

Translation: underground bunkers = local pubs :)

As a guy who got all hunting trophies in RDR I say, bring it on :)

I'm actually bit dissapointed by the game but I think I simply overhyped myself over it. I was expecting second coming of the Jesus and I get...well... another Uncharted game instead.