apparently this plane have only hydraulic system backed by electrical system, both failed at same time. It is bit weird, I would expect some big mechanical crank to lower the damned things :)
apparently this plane have only hydraulic system backed by electrical system, both failed at same time. It is bit weird, I would expect some big mechanical crank to lower the damned things :)
You are not alone, I feel bit disappointed by first two thirds of the game, it pick up speed with pirates chapter but it's bit to little to late. I think U2 had set the bar of mad joyride bit to high :)
Grand Theft Auto: Sex in the ViceCity ?? :D
Question: what will stop Sony from releasing a tv line with built in PSPV? what will stop Samsung from releasing a tv line with android based insides?
Internet is often called "Information Highway" - it is not smart to allow children to play on the highway, right?
No only Japanese have this problem :) warning: NSFW audio
Translation: "Our adult only Game didn't sold because after watching trailers bunch of 15 'years old realized that they can't play it on big screen in the living room with their mothers hovering around and now I have to explain this to the shareholders." And personally I found Bstorm one of most fun games to play…
but Apple had patented the squares :D
Funny thing - Skyrim is on the list :) on 15'th place, apparently fanboys are unable to click a link to original article :)
You can simply download free Lego Designer software from lego webpage, create your own model and then press a "buy" button and wait for package from lego :)
japanese (and rest of the asia) were using broadband web and email as default mobile technology years before an Iphone. Their mobile broadband coverage and transfer fees basically make wifi unnecessary.
imagine the possibilities! - 3d graphics in commercials to slow down your web browser even more and kill your computer more often :)
simple, their phones are "internet centric" so they don't need wifi
one, this is not official party comercial, this was made by one sad political fanboy who put it on his youtube account...and then it spread like a flu.
Except there is no reason to lay new lines, at least here in EU physical lines are independent from carriers by law. I have one physical phone/tv line but I can choose any carrier I want, I have one physical electric cable but I can choose any supply company I want etc. Obviously the company that placed cable in my…
Sadly that's probably reason why 3ds have a region lock, heavy import of few weird games and "shocking news" hungry fox news crew could really tarnish nintendo's "family friendly" reputation.
Wait, What? I always assumed Doc was Marty's distant relative, I'm pretty sure it is mentioned somewhere in history (possible in the cartoons thou) :/
meanwhile in Poland...Boars hunt :)
it is happening mainly in immigrant areas