isn't comiket 18+ only? since it is mainly about doujinshi ero manga
isn't comiket 18+ only? since it is mainly about doujinshi ero manga
so...we are comparing a luxurious limousine with something that is basically a dragster?? seriously?
I still prefer name a "freak storm"
Because in modern world we have to sell a game to everyone, because number of sold copies is measure of success and as effect of this all game genres are slowly turning into action adventures :(
The best part of deep space settlements plans and Terraforming - we can use it here on Earth after we make our planet unhabitable for humans :)
1st gear: My company's main office was recently moved to the city outskirts because CEO was annoyed by all the traffic (and high taxes :), city center is right now known as Zombie land - only old people live there, young and active peoples have a cars so they moved to the outskirts, I think this is exactly like when…
...and in Europe (at least my part) they're still considered a bicycles so they are allowed on narrow bike lanes, zipping with their full speed between "slow" pedal bicycles and random pedestrians.
Base of my personal experience i believe the speed of this things is more of the problem than lack of sound. Seeing this things zipping beside me on a narrow bike lane really feels stressing. Just match the max speed of electric bikes to the pedal ones and add a free radio to every bike.
oh com'on, last episode was pretty decent, they manage to piss off almost everyone and that's what true Top Gear is about :D
Aliens Nerf Gun? I would buy special edition like that!
yes, but I don't have a mouse for my PS3, that's why I want a head tracking instead :)
I tested similar system in Flight Simulator for PC and it worked like a charm, after turning it off game start to feel claustrophobic, frankly I want this as an option for every fps game.
yes, from the very beginning, that was basic idea - random people make more money for google :)
Witcher is not fully open world game, it is heavy story oriented with little place to roam, pick both games :)
It's usually other the way around, first you create theory about universe and then you try to prove it. Creating quark-glutton plasma have proven that it actually exist and most likely thanks to this several theories about matter and universe suddenly became valid. This give us base for the next research.
oh, and the warrior buddy is an elf, you know - guy from an ancient race that developed and improved magic instead of technology, while a witcher is an human genetically engineered by a mage, this particular witcher is about 90 years old so he have time to learn about cells, he had to since quite a loot of the…
Both books and games are written using modern language and terminology so sentences like that doesn't feel out of context, actually that's what make Witcher saga stand out and ironically make it's middleages world feel more realistic.
"jet plane visible in the sky in act 2" - That's actually a comet - people in the camp are discussing it all the time - a star with the red tail - comets in history were always treated as apostles of horrible thinks to come.
The Witcher books start from two collections of short stories that are jabs at classic fairy tales - Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid etc. - basically bunch of children stories put into brutal medieval world in a funny way;) referencing LOTR fits this premise perfectly.