except you really don't need any "optics" when you have a magic don't you - you can use the magic to project enhanced image of cells, chromosomes and even atoms.
except you really don't need any "optics" when you have a magic don't you - you can use the magic to project enhanced image of cells, chromosomes and even atoms.
it is middleages_plus_magic, thanks to magic and mages (who live for hundreds years) genetics is on much higher level than ours. Both monsters and witchers themselves are made by mages who are always willing to press big red button with the label "mess with the universe"
:D This is called "easter egg" and some games are full of them (you know, like Fallout or Witcher1 :) developers put them for fun and fame and fans are racing each other in gathering them. There are much more easter eggs in the game, not all based on games, there are even few jabs at polish politicians including…
I always considered Witcher being more "Middle ages with magic" than High Fantasy, the books did great job at making this world feel realistic, magic isn't that common, Witcher's signs are just a bit more than simple tricks and a monsters are rare and are part of habitat like our wolfs or bears. Games translated it…
and since when reading anything at work is reasonable? ;D
it does, first there was hidden "PS3 will happen" message in the trailers, now both consoles are confirmed in official Q&A at developer site (at least at polish site) .
in the books main source of income for all sorceressesesss is selling beauty lotions and making magical tits growing surgery...no, seriously, they are pretty good at keeping bush well trimmed, they have to since most of them are hundreds yrs old :D
"playing both sides against each other" - honestly, it never occurred to me to try ;) The game takes bit different approach to the fractions than fallout, instead "new city new fraction" for most of the game you are dealing with the same people so playing them against each other may be difficult, maybe at the end of…
No, simply 360 didn't fit into PS. joke :) Since xbox is basically closed-system PC the game should be for both consoles.
Few things that IMHO make Witcher 1 one of the best RPG so far?
look into discount basket in you local mall :) this is old game, should be available for few pennys on sale, just make sure to upgrade it to director version on the developer website, original was horribly broken.
360 is basically PC so I think it will be on both consoles - it just didn't fit into PS. 3. joke :)
You can play the second without knowing a story. First Witcher is one of the best RPG ever side to Torment and Fallout at every list I've cared to check, unfortunately it is more adventure than action rpg so it start slowly, this and weird fighting mechanics puts of some peoples at the beginning, but once you are in…
There are three exclusive launch trailers for the Witcher 2 - each on have some nice hidden message on the end - here is a link:
Thats so old :)
Here, another bunch:
@RussTech: dropping tons of steal tends to get a loot of speed fast :)
@Iggy: youtube is your friend:)
@superbad: building and maintaining dry dock cost money, much more money than placing few steel beams on flat ground.
my guess is...money, one year difference - another generation of clients with money to spend