
Rich, I really wish you’d change your lane and just stop reporting on “reality” shows. Meaningless trash-TV such as the Masked Singer / Dr. Pimple Popper is boring and fine. I’m sure other people out there enjoy the escapism.

However, when it comes to the Mama Junes, Duggars, OctoMoms, Gosselins blah blah blah we are

TBH, the first thing I thought of was the Onion letter some years back about how “this is not going to end well.” From reading your article, I am amazed how well Alana is doing, all things considered. If this needs to exist (and by need, I mean some sadistic producer wants to keep milking this family for entertainment

This is one of several I look after. He’s a stray feral who loves laundry. Have to beat him to it and throw something he’s destroyed on top.

Try seven cats on one king bed with two very large humans. That includes the 18 year old scoldy black cat, Princess Gabby, Paper Shredder, and Dollop, Percher on the Humans. The rest of the cats don’t necessarily get along, either. No one wants to sleep over on the couch because they’ll get trampled. Multiple times.

This is what my life looks like, only I have two kids doing that as well, and less politely. 

My boy cat does the bodyslam + mewling to our hallway coat closet roughly once a day - I can’t image what kind of exotic wonderland he thinks is on the other side of that door.

Roughly, if he gave every employee $2000 a month for two months it would cost him about $20 million. That is a drop in the bucket for these out of touch money hoarders. Any billionaire who isn’t supporting their employees through this is a piece of shit.

This just reinforces my belief that you should never trust guys who do rigging and scuba work for avant garde french Canadian circuses.

Do you know that this guy’s net worth is almost three billion dollars...? He wouldn’t have a penny of that without his workers. I think he/the company should have offered some sort of part -wage stipend for a few months at least, and perhaps at least offered health insurance for even the part-time/contractors- which

Can we get a literal Kickstarter on this?

Hypothetically fuck this hypothetical guy.

Yes. Fuck that one oddly specific guy, indeed.

Where does this person live? I, ehm, know some people...

I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.

There is only one Cirque employee who deserves to be fired: the guy who does rigging and scuba at The O. He’s the type of guy who leads on his girlfriend for SIX YEARS before dumping her with no warning, and who waited for that lovely, smart, educated, talented woman’s parents to take them to Prague and Vienna the

We will remember you, any company that tosses employees this carelessly and crazily will never get a dollar of mine.

oh my god, i am so sorry. i hope that you both are okay. i’ll be thinking of you.

I’m very sorry.

He was definitely drunk as he said in his follow-up video. It’s mentioned in the article.

Jeff Cooper’s Four Rules: